

Release Notes: 04/29/16
W h a t ’ s New Version ∞2016.4.28: Added a test API button so that users can validate that the API is setup correctly and working. Some things that would cause this to fail: Invalid guid that is not in the...
Release Notes: 04/22/16
What’s New:  Version  ∞2016.4.22 Added a new config for Vendor Job Description. This is used so that on the Vendor Order Details page, it will show the regular job description and not the public job description. WebCenter Adm...
Release Notes: 04/15/16
What’s New: Version  ∞2016.4.15 A new option when paying invoices called “Zero Dollar Invoice Only” has been added. Some notes on this addition: You will not see Zero Dollar Invoices if you do not have this optio...
Release Notes: 04/08/16
What’s New: Version  ∞2016.4.08 E-Verify has been upgraded to v29. Enterprise: Baltimore city taxes take precedence over Baltimore county taxes in Maryland. Enterprise was previously not resp...
Release Notes: 04/01/16
What’s New: Version  ∞2016.4.01 You can now run uFixWorkerComp in Enterprise! This is located in Pay/Bill > Actions Menu > Modify Worker Comp. Overrides will get logged in the TxnsWCUpdateLog table with the old and new percentag...