Order Fill Ratio Report

Order Fill Ratio


This report shows you the number of assignments on an order verses the number of required assignments for that order. Allows you to see at a quick glance the average percentage of spots you are filling within the order.


1. Start Date: Starting order taken date of your desired date range.

2. End Date: Ending order taken date of your desired date range.

3. Group By: Allows you to filter the report by the following options:

a. Branch

b. Sales Team

c. Job Title

4. Branch: A drop-down list of all branches in the user’s current hierarchy. Is a multi-value parameter so they can select all branches, just one specific branch, or any combination of different branches in the list. 

5. Limit by Customer Id: Filter by a specific customer id number.

6. Sales Team: A drop- down list of all sales teams in the user’s current hierarchy. Is a multi-value parameter so they can select all sales teams, just one specific sales team, or any combination of different sales teams in the list.

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