You will need to setup a license key to ensure you have access to our system software and additional modules. There are two options when it comes to dealing with license keys and how to get these started or updated. Please see the below options for what best suites your needs.
*Note* This information only applies to those who are Self-Hosted. If you are not Self-Hosted, no action is needed.
New License
A new license may be needed if you are a new customer, first time getting a license, have a new db or SQL server, or need a new license for a dev environment. In this case follow the below steps:
1. Contact support or your AM to get a new license. You need to provide your server name, database name, # of users requested.
2. When TW has generated the new license, we will email you a license key.
3. When you get the key, run this in SQL: EXEC dbo.twsqlclr_tw_RegisterLicense @LicenseKey = 'LicenseKeyGoesHere'
*Note* This SQL code does not run in daily maintenance, this will need to be run manually.
Existing License
If you already have been issued an existing license and it needs to be changed because you have new users, want to change the license expiration, or have added additional modules follow the below steps:
1. Contact support or your AM to get the license updated by TW.
2. When TW has updated the license, we will email you.
3. When you get that email, run this in your sql database: EXEC dbo.twsqlclr_tw_RefreshLicense
*Note* If you prefer not to put this out right away, you can wait until the next day because this procedure runs during daily maintenance.
For Beyond Users
Beyond contains licenses to convey relevant information to Self-Hosted clients.
*Note* After a successful user login, that licensed seat is then “blocked” for 4 days:
- That same seat remains “Blocked” for as long as that same user continues to use Beyond daily.
- If that same user logs in only once for a period more than 4 days, that seat is then unlocked for another user.
For more information on this functionality, please see the article titled Self-Hosted - Beyond Licensing.
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