Invoice Aging Summary
Purpose: This report is a summary of the Invoice Aging report. Utilize this report to view at a glance what customers by branch are paying their invoices and which ones are not.
1. Branch: A drop -down list of all branches in the user’s current hierarchy. Is a multi-value parameter so they can select all branches, just one specific branch, or any combination of different branches in the list.
2. Date Filter: A drop- down determining what field your date filters on.
a. Invoice Date
b. Due Date
c. Weekend Bill Date
3.. Summary By: A list of different fields to summarize the data on the report. Has the following options:
a. Customer
b. Department
c. Branch
d. Invoice Date
e. Due Date
f. None
4. Show: Will determine if the report will show the invoice number of the invoice that payment the payment was entered on or if it will show the invoice number of the parent invoice that the child invoice (the one that the payment was actually entered on in the system) was merged into. This allows you to see what was actually entered into the system vs. what the client put on their payment detail.
5. Period End Date: The date on which you want to view your invoices balances and aging
6. Customer Name: Filters for a specified customer name on the invoice
7. Credit Analyst: Filters for a specified analyst on the customer record
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