- Added the ability to search employees based on WOTC Eligibility. This search option can be found under the profile section for the enhanced search.
- Made multiple changes in order to support future ADP Wisely paycards, which includes the following:
- The location dropdown now displays the name of the location rather than the location Id.
- The Update Paycard Status action button has been removed as ADP no longer supports updating statuses. The status will now immediately be updated once enrollment is complete.
- Added a pending balance column to the lockbox grid when uploading lockbox files.
- Changed the order of the “Fee” and “Reason” fields within the Check reissue dialog. This is to help prevent the user from editing the Fee first before including a Reason. This isn't normally an issue, but if the Fee is edited first and then a Reason is added, the Fee will be reset to whatever the Reason’s Fee is configured for.
- Previously, all worker comp codes in a user’s system were selectable when creating a rate sheet for a customer when default worker comp codes were not set up. Now when creating a rate sheet for a customer with default worker comp codes, you will only be allowed to choose from the codes already setup.
- The column headers when looking at an order in the Broadbean integration can now be reordered and removed.
- Changed the verbiage on step 5 in the year end worksheet from “Pass Mag Media Data Check” to “Pass Electronic W-2 File Check”.
- Updated the 1095 worksheet question order to have the "Which Branch(es) is this survey for?" question before the "What is your plan start date?" question.
- Updated the LinkedIn URL to accommodate search values and properly open LinkedIn with the search values inputted.
- When enrolling an employee with an ALINE paycard, the Location dropdown will be pre-selected.
- Added logging for assignment shift changes which can be viewed on the Assignment Change Log report.
- Added logging for OTPlans on an order record which can be viewed on the Order Change Log report.
- Users previously would be unable to create a mass mailer and personal email account with the same settings. Now users will be able to create both mass mailer and personal email accounts with the same settings.
- Corrected an issue that was causing People G2 to sometimes be unable to post back results to Enterprise.
- Enterprise will now log the X-Correlation-ID that is returned with each API response. This will show up in the TWFX.log file.
- Corrected an issue that could cause the YTD, MTD, or WTD totals to all appear as zero in an employee’s adjustment history.
- Added Virgin Island State Income tax.
- Added employer paid DC Paid Family Leave tax. This will be added to any existing and future DC checks processed with a check date after 4/1/2019.
- Made the following local tax updates:
- Updated the Low income limit for Alabama Suta to $23,499.
- Increased the Local service tax for Conemaugh Township, Cambria County from $10.00 to $52.00.
- Removed the Local service tax for Dushore Boro, Sullivan County.
- Added a non-resident tax rate of 1% for East Deer Township, Allegheny County.
- Decreased the resident tax rate from 0.9% to 0.8% and decreased the non-resident rate from 1.3% to 1.2% for Franklin Boro, Cambria County.
- Increased the Local service tax for Keating Township, McKean County from $20.00 to $52.00.
- Increased the resident tax rate from 1.6% to 1.675% for Kingston Boro, Luzerne County.
- Added non-resident tax rate of 1% for Liberty Township, Adams County.
- Increased the non-resident tax rate from 0.5% to 1% for Towamencin Township, Montgomery County.
- Increased the Local service tax for Washington Township, Schuylkill County from $10.00 to $15.00.
- Added non-resident tax rate of 1% for York Springs Boro, Adams County.
- Decreased the non-resident rate from 1.4% to 1% for Plymouth Township, Luzerne County.
- Increased the non-resident tax rate from 0.5% to 1% for Somerset Township, Washington County.
- Decreased the tax rate from 0.55% to 0.525% for Indian Hill, Hamilton County.
- Increased occupational license fee from .5% to 1% effective 4-1-19 for West Liberty, Morgan County.
- Increased the non-resident tax rate from 0.5% to 1% for Hanover Township, Washington County.
- Added non-resident tax rate of 1% for Kimmel Township, Bedford County.
- Added non-resident tax rate of 1% for Martinsburg Boro, Blair County.
- Increased annual maximum tax from $290.86 to $295.79 for Kenton County.
- New York now requires the state withholding wages by employee to be included in the quarterly combined filing. (this used to only be a Q4 requirement). Now it does and can be seen on the Quarter End Mag Media Employee Detail report.
- Updating a Service Reps ‘Hier ID Allowed’ in Enterprise on Apps will no longer cause an error message to pop up and cause the app to shut down.
- Made behind the scenes updates to allow E-Verify to handle calls to APIv3.
- Added the Benefit Adjustment file import used for year end on databases that were missing it.
- Added ‘Job Title’ to position 299 - 322 within the ADP Payroll export. This was done to meet ADPs new export requirement.
- Improved error validation for Week End to better identify unprocessed timecards.
- Created a new procedure called fx_report_EOY_W2Summary. This will be used to combine the Local, Misc, State, and Federal W2 Summary reports into one report called W2 Summary.
- Reskined HRCenter in an effort to make it more user/mobile friendly.
- Added the ability to add additional actions to a step or workflow upon completion. These actions can be setup to update information on the Employee’s record in addition to the step or workflow, or could be used to log a message on the employee’s visifile when the applicant has completed a step or workflow. If you would like to set up additional actions for your steps or workflows, please reach out to support for assistance in setting them up.
- Made multiple improvements when creating surveys:
- Questions and Instructions can now be sorted by clicking and dragging the step to a new spot within the survey.
- Question and instruction cards are now single column lists instead of double column lists.
- Added the ability to add custom field mapping names.
- The answer value field is now a required field.
- Added a button to copy the answer text field to the answer value field.
- Updated the Spanish translations within the Step Start, Step Review, and Thank You pages.
- On the CTI WOTC survey, the SSN would previously not be prefilled. Now the SSN will be prefilled correctly to the survey.
- Improved validation for creating and editing custom JavaScript under HRCenter Admin > Tenant > Theme.
- Fixed an error that would occur when trying to assign or complete a recruiter first page or workflow.
- The CTI WOTC page will now only log one message after completing the survey.
- Sometimes the session timeout dialog would appear to be behind the page header. Now the session timeout dialog will appear in front of the page.
- Fixed a Null reference error when completing a survey with only information type questions and also fixed survey blocks to allow being saved as PDF files.
- Corrected an issue where logos were not being properly displayed within an Edge browser.
- Previously when registering, if the applicant updated the language after selecting a branch, the branch selection would be cleared and the user would be assigned to the incorrect branch. Now the specified branch will be retained during registration after the language has been updated.
- The inactivity dialog will now appear on forms.
- Corrected an issue that caused service reps to be unable to sign workflows that were created before Service Rep workflows feature was added.
- Work has begun for allowing form builder forms to be linked to a survey. You may see the options for setting this up in HRCenter admin. You are welcome to change these fields, but they will not change any functionality at the moment.
- Created a unique constraint on WC_UsersInRoles so that no more than one WebCenter role can be added for one user.
- Found and corrected an issue where Semimonthly time cards were not being created as group timecards and would generate an error when attempting to edit one. Now these timecards will be created properly and won't error when editing.
- Started tracking user logins for Beyond. Session length has been reduced to 12 hours to accommodate this. When a session has expired, you will be asked to log in again.
- Added a charm on prospect entities to display whether the prospect has been converted to a customer. If the prospect has been converted, this charm will navigate you to the customer; If the prospect has not been converted, the charm will open a dialog where the user can convert the prospect to a customer.
- Added the ability to mass update/close assignments from the Assignment search page. The functionality will work similar to Enterprise. Please note that in order to use this functionality service reps must have the new mass-update-assignments security permission.
- Employee names in the entity header will now include the employee's nickname.
- Added the ability to assign a Service Rep only HRCenter workflow from a customer record. It will default to the current user, but there is a Service Rep drop down to allow the user to select a different service rep.
- You will now be able to add contacts from the customer contact card found on the customer quick view.
- Entity search criteria and results will no longer clear when you navigate away and back. Clicking on the entity search button or refreshing the page will reset the search criteria and results.
- Adjusted text casing on the employee quickadd form.
- When adding a worksite, the IsActive checkbox has been removed. All newly created worksites will default to active.
- Made minor validation changes to the Employee Personal Information card so validation requirements will display prior to submitting.
- Now if a card or area in Beyond fails to load, rather than forcing the user to refresh the entire page, there will be a retry button to reload the card or area that failed.
- Updated the label on the Separate Invoices card to now state, “Separate Invoices By”. This card is located under Invoice Setup on a Customer.
- Split up the settings menu into two with one labeled as User Settings and the other as System Settings. User Settings will contain General, Personal Access Tokens, and Diagnostics while System Settings will contain everything else.
- Updated the toast message when deleting a contact role to correctly state “Deleted Successfully” instead of stating “Added Successfully”.
- Fixed an object reference error that would sometimes occur when viewing a check that was associated with a vendor.
- The Web User Search will no longer crash when the results contain a web user with a non-washed status.
- When viewing the Customer Information card on a Job Order, the worksite field will display properly even if it is an inactive worksite.
- Fixed the validation requirement text for the ‘Method Type’ field adding an invoice recipient in a customer’s invoice setup.
- Advanced search pages now contain the ‘Advanced’ in the route header. For example, Search / Employee / Advanced.
- When adding a custom data field to the Prospect Snapshot card, the added field will no longer appear in the dropdown of available fields.
- Added edit/add button back for invoice line Items. This card is found under a customer’s billing setup.
- Entity name in the header will now truncate with an ellipsis when they do not fit in the header space. This fixes the layout for long entity names while using the app on mobile devices.
- Adding ‘reference sent’ and ‘reference completed’ dates from the list view will now function properly.
- Adjusted the layout alignment in the employee reference dialog.
- Updating the status on an assignment will now display the new status immediately without the user needing to refresh the page first.
- Found and corrected an issue where the customer name may not appear when creating a bookmark.
- Added validation for the ‘Sales Team’ field when adding or editing a service rep record.
- Found and corrected an issue when adding an employee adjustment with the ‘deduct percent from net’ option would instead get created as a ‘deduct dollar amount from net’.
- Simplified uses of KeyValueDisplay.
- Behind the scenes work has begun for updating email settings.
- Added a service rep specific WebUser endpoint to assist with assigning recruiters workflows or additional pages.
- Added APIv3 support to allow linking documents to timecard adjustments.
- In scenarios where the API receives a 504 error when enrolling an ADP card, the ADP correlation ID will be returned.
- Corrected a typo that was causing the ‘DT Bill Rate’ to not calculate properly.
- Renamed the InstallationKey to OrganizationName within the AppSettings.
- Add additional filters when fetching the mapped product instances for a web user.
- Created new procedures to accept/decline a job offer for Buzz's Job Offer system to be used by the API. (twapi3_Employee_AcceptJobOffer and twapi3_Employee_DeclineJobOffer)
- Updated the twapi3_EmailSignature_FetchDetails procedure to correctly filter by SignatureId.
- Behind the scenes work has begun for adding email accounts and signatures in the API.