Version ∞2018.2.2
- Added a new Equal Employment Opportunity report called EEO-1.
- Added an index to improve the performance of the message logging that happens when the ZipWhip Text Message Queue is processed.
- Improved error message handling that occurred with the API on Assessments. This means that these types of errors will be more informative as to what they are instead of reading “TempWorks API: Resource not found”.
- Added E-Verify logic for government shutdowns. If the government is currently shutdown, E-Verify cases cannot be started or continued to avoid confusion for when the system doesn't work. The government shutdown days do not count as business days so they will not count towards the “Overdue Case” criteria.
- Modified fx_GetTimecardsForPayroll to pull the RepName from CtxnsSessionRoot instead of CtxnsRoot. Now when creating a payroll run, (if you group by Session) the service rep name that created or took over the proofing session will be displayed.
- Altered the sPayrollNumberChecks procedure to rollback a payroll run that was interrupted due to an error. This will allow users to either continue their payroll run before the error occurred or abandon it without the need to call into TempWorks Support.
- Users will no longer get an error when attempting to reset the web password of an applicant.
- After deleting a security group, it previously wouldn't get removed right away and it could still be added to a service rep. Deleting a Security Group will remove itself right away now.
- Added the Sole Paycard Export procedure (fx_Export_SolePaycards) which will be used for setting up future Sole Paycard exports.
- Added a validation message that will come up when a user attempts to upload an invalid file type when creating new forms.
- When filling out Forms in HrCenter, the postfill will now fire after the “Signature Page.” Previously, the postfill was firing after clicking “Save and Continue.” The postfill behavior has not changed for Information or Survey pages.
- Fixed an issue where some applicants were unable to proceed past the Identification page.
- Added Phone and Email to the HrCenter generic prefill procedure. (fx_hrc_Employee_Prefill_Generic)
- Added NYPFL (New York Paid Family Leave) to box 14.
- Fixed third party sick checkbox (box 13) to show when there is something with either 12 J as the box/ label or 13 as the box.
- Found and corrected an issue where a truncation error would occur when exporting mag media for Alabama.
- Processing payroll for employees located in Puerto Rico will no longer receive the payroll error, "Employee Gross in PrStgCheckRoot <> JurisGross in PrStgCheckTax".