What’s New Version ∞2017.1.27:
- Added a new WebCenter notification option that can send emails to the Branch email whenever a customer or vendor contact creates a bi-directional message on a candidate. To set this up, add the branch email in All Options > Administaration > Branch. Then navigate to the WebCenter Config tab to find the new Notification Config called "Notification Event: CandidateMessage."
- In WebCenter, unread bi-directional message links regarding a candidate will now appear as red text. After they have been viewed by the customer or vendor, the message links will appear blue.
- Improved the performance of the Mag Media Data Integrity check.
- Added the PeopleG2LocationCode configtype to all databases.
- Updated the Basic Info page postfill for HrCenter. Now, if an employee selects a State that is different from the Tax State in their pay setup, the State Juris will be auto-filled based on the employee’s Marital Tax Status.
- EPay adjustments will now respect paycode exemptions. If Epay adjustments are flagged as exempt from certain paycodes, they will not be calculated on the check. This does not apply if the user overrides a recurring adjustment amount on the timecard.
- BenAdmin imports can now successfully import employees with no DOB on their profile.
- Updated year end state mag media files to match current specifications.
- Updated the PA LST compatible juris group to include 9 more jurisdictions. This was only done in any database missing the jurisdictions in the compatible juris group.
- When uploading resumes & I9 attachments, if the file exceeds the 5MB limit, a warning message has been added to alert users.
- On the HrCenter mobile registration page, the “Submit” and “Back” buttons are no longer partially covered by the footer of the webpage. Also, when registering a new user in HrCenter mobile, the register button will no longer be partially missing.
- When entering phone contact information on HrCenter pages, the preferred phone number format that displays has been updated to (012) 345-6789 to match the fields requirements.
- Previously, when reviewing a form as a service rep in Enterprise's HrCenter dashboard, the "Save and Exit" was not functioning. This button has been removed.
- Fixed an issue that made it appear a service rep could edit the DOB on a Default I9 that was submitted by an employee. The service rep cannot edit a submitted Default I9.
- On the Admin Workflows page, updated some explanation and validation texts regarding branch specific workflows.
- Changed some styling of the new WebCenter bi-directional messaging modal. The modal will now open to the latest messages; users can scroll up to see previous messages. Also, the enter message text box will always be visible at the bottom of the modal.