Version ∞2017.12.15
- Updated the report footer note on the Affordable Care Act Compliance Determination report to reflect the 2017 1094 instructions. The report footer now reads “Note: If Total Full Time Employees is more than 50, then the company is subject to Affordable Care Act Compliance.” Previously, this was 100 FTE.
- Added logging for DateAbandoned to the InvoiceRunlog table. This will help support troubleshoot issues with invoice runs.
- When FUTA peo fee amounts calculate on an invoice, the amount tax is no longer duplicated in cases where there are multiple transactions per check.
- Corrected a rare duplicate txnid in TxnsAcaExciseTax error that would errantly come up when running the Gross Profit Detail and the Gross Profit Summary reports.
- Users can now send invoice emails from the invoice details page without having invoice email recipients setup in the billing setup area. If no invoice recipients are setup, the email address will need to be manually input and the invoice will be attached as a .pdf.
- Fixed the “Can Execute” properties in the customer hotlist details form. If a customer has a valid email setup, the “Compose Email” button will function properly.
- Users will no longer receive a Primary Key error when adding appointments through the activity center. Previously, the appointment would still be created but users would see the error.
- Optimized performance when calculating Gross Profit for multiple weeks.
- Optimized the uFixWorkerComp & uFixWorkerCompForOrder procedures to prevent timeout issues when recalculating Worker Comp. As a reminder, you can recalculate worker compensation on an order from the actions menu.
- We re-enabled report activity logging. (This was disabled as it was previously causing deadlocks) As a reminder, logs what time a service rep ran a report and can be used to help Support troubleshoot report issues.
- Added a new configuration option called “Postfill WOTC Result” to the ADP information page. If this is set to true, a link for printing the WOTC documents will be inserted with the eligibility status message that is logged on the employees profile.
- Updated the Default Electronic W-2 Enrollment survey to eliminate redundant instructions.
- Added additional logic for creating and processing timeclock timecard punches.
- Fixed a spelling error in the description of the “TimeClock Approved Web Timecards” Report.
- Deleting documents from the WebCenter admin documents tab will no longer result in an index out of range error.
- Changed error #36 on the Data Integrity Check to handle emedsup and state disability juris types better.
- Can now add, edit, and delete saved searches.
- Now displaying the search result summary when running an advanced search. Will also display a performance warning message to the user when the results are over 1000.
- On a hover capable device (any device with a computer mouse), hovering over a contact method will now show a copy to clipboard icon. Clicking on this will copy
- Renamed the reset user permissions button to be called “Clear Cache” instead. This button resets the following:
- TwApi cache
- Mvc cache
- Persistent browser storage
- Redux store
- Users without access to view resume document types will no longer get an error when viewing an employee's visifile that contains an uploaded resume.
- Users will no longer get an error when logging into Beyond with no user preferences.
- The 502.5 error has been addressed when going to
- Picking a time in a search will now expand properly.
- Running an assignment search with Calls/Customer Cancel Date would search endlessly. Now it doesn't.
- Now focusing the most useful field on each search page. In other words, when navigating to a customer search, the cursor will be at customer name on initial load.
- Expanding the category field should no longer dirties the advanced search form.
- An error will no longer come up when users navigate to Customer > Details > Sales and Service.
- Found and corrected searches on Activation Date. This search would previously sometimes not return correct records.
- Found and corrected a search issue when running a search, changing the search criteria, and running the search again would sometimes net an error or return the previous search results.
- Creating a new customer contact in Beyond will now link to the appropriate customer properly.
- The copy customer address checkbox on the contact quick add form is now checked by default unless no customer is selected. If one is selected, it will be hidden.
- Now when opening a select field, it will scroll to the selected item.
- Navigating to an employee visifile when a user does not have permission to view their resume caused an error dialog to pop up. Now it won’t.
- Now taking advantage of the new error handling in React 16.
- Improved performance when searching for resumes.