Adding Translated Surveys

Translations, or Localizations, are used to offer a workflow, step, or page (information, form, or survey) in multiple languages. When offering an item in multiple languages, users will need to...

  • Be ready to provide the translation. 
  • Create a unique survey and form for every language you wish to offer the survey/form in

 For example, if you need to offer a math test in English and Spanish, the test will need to be created twice in the survey builder - once in English and once in Spanish and then tie the translated pages together. 

Steps for Creating Translated Surveys
  1. Create the English & Spanish Versions of the Survey
  2. Creating the Survey Page with Localizations

Step 1: Creating the English & Spanish Surveys

You will need to create and English & Spanish versions of the survey. Make sure they have a clear display name. We recommend putting English or Spanish at the end of the Private survey name to keep them clear. For more information on creating a survey, check out How to Create Surveys

Example English Version: 

Example Spanish Survey: 

Step 2: Creating the Survey Page with Localizations

 Now that you have the 2 versions of the survey, you will need to attach them together in a page. You can edit an existing page or add a new page

  1. In HRCenter Admin, navigate to pages on the left and select the plus to add a new page. 
  2. Enter an Internal/Display Name and choose the Survey Page Type:
  3. Select the English version of the survey first
  4. Next, Click on Add localization at the bottom
  5. Select Spanish and then select the Spanish version of the Survey
  6. On the next page, select any additional configuration details 
  7. Review the information and select save 

Now, add this survey page to a workflow or keep it as it's own individual page to send. 

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