Release Notes: 08/31/2018



  • In a continual effort to deliver the most up to date technology to our customers, we updated our .NET framework to the current version for Enterprise (.NET 4.7.2). As part of this, any self-hosted customers or hosted end users who are connecting via the 3-tier deployment (not will need to update their workstations and any other computers that access TempWorks Enterprise to the aforementioned version of .NET.
    • If you are utilizing Windows 10 operating system and have the April 2018 update applied, there is no further action required. If you are utilizing Windows 10 and don't have the April 2018 update, please run this update as soon as possible.
    • If you are utilizing other versions of the Windows operating system you will need to download the new .NET version from the Microsoft Website.
  • Added a new option to Customer > Defaults > Asg Allocations. Users can now choose a Specific Service Rep to have the allocations applied to. This is also available in Admin > Branch > Commission Defaults.
  • Added a contact list dropdown when linking a contact to a message or when merging contacts allowing the user to search for specific contacts, similar to the dropdown used for employees.
  • Added the ability to pay sales tax to vendors. A new checkbox called "Pass Through Sales Tax To Vendors.” will be available when running a Subpaycons payroll run. A new configuration has also been added to determine whether this checkbox is automatically checked, this configuration is defaulted to not automatically check the checkbox. Please reach out to Support to assist with modifying this configuration for you company’s needs.
  • Added new action menu option called ‘Update Vendors’, which allows you to mass update Vendor information on an order under Order > Details > Vendors.
  • Added the Branch and Assigned column for First Advantage Integration results. The Branch column will automatically be added to results while the assigned column can be manually added to the results.
  • Added the ability to allow any user to create new routing numbers for electronic pay, all users will now see a ‘+’ button next to the Routing number field, found on an employee record > Pay Setup > Electronic Pay, no matter what permissions they have.


  • Updated procedure for copying orders, so that the new order created will have the same branch as the copied order rather than the branch the Customer or Service Rep is located at when the configuration ‘OrderBranchSource’ is turned on.
  • Added “Job title” to the message logged when a candidate is added to an order.
  • Previously, in the Time Entry screen, if a timecard had an assignment adjustment attached to it, the "Has Assg Adj" column was marked only when the assignment adjustment on the assignment page is set up using the same paycode as the paycode of that timecard. Now, the timecard will be marked “Has Assg Adj” for all paycodes if the assignment adjustment does not have any paycodes setup.
  • The logic that determines which transactions are incomplete has been moved from Enterprise to SQL. The new SQL logic has been improved to fix circumstances that would display duplicate rows in the incomplete transactions form.
  • Modified the names for the following instances:
    • "Download Federal Mag Media" to "Download Federal Electronic W-2 File" on the Year End worksheet.
    • "Download State Mag Media" to "Download State Electronic W-2 File" on the Year End worksheet.
    • "Download Local Mag Media" to "Download Local Electronic W-2 File" on the Year End worksheet.
    • "Download 1099 Mag Media" to "Download Electronic 1099 File" on the Year End worksheet.
    • "PIN" to "BSO User ID" found under All Options > Administration > Employers > Employer Setup > mag media area
  • The logic controlling the invoicing “Stop Light” counters has been updated to accommodate the reverse billing option when voiding a check with hours for customers setup for non-weekly invoicing.
  • Added validation to the First and Last name fields when using the Resume Parser to create an employee record. This is to ensure no invalid characters can be used for first and last names.
  • Added validation to the ACA comment found on the Employee Record > Details > ACA. Users will now see a validation message appear when the comment is over 1000 characters long.
  • Optimized the procedures responsible for the "My Recruiting Calls" widget and the "Candidates Proposed" widget.
  • Optimized Payroll Summary report to improve performance.
  • Optimized the procedure responsible for checking for duplicate emails; it now only filters on email contact types which should reduce the number of rows we are searching on.


  • Users can once again add and edit newly created accruals in All Options > Admin > Accruals.
  • Modified how undone Check Corrections are handled for Reissued Epay Checks; this now accommodates unusual situations where a check is reissued and undone before being pulled into an ACH file.
  • Previously, when multiple timecard adjustments of the same type and amount were calculated on the invoice, the Sales Taxable amount would be doubled or tripled. Now the Sales Taxable amount will be correctly calculated on the invoice.
  • Corrected an issue regarding making invoice corrections to a bill only adjustments. Previously, the bill amount for the adjustment would be erroneously set to $0; this situation will be calculated properly now.
  • Previously, the linked image status icon would be removed from a timecard after the transactions were posted. Now the status icon will properly display on the timecard if a document is linked even after the transactions have been posted.
  • In Hot lists, canceling creating a candidate would generate an invalid operation exception message stating, “0 of x candidates created.” instead of a normal message dialog. Now this will generate a message dialog instead of an invalid operation exception one.
  • Sometimes when Interview questions were moved within an Interview group, list options were removed from the questions. Now the list options will remain on the Interview questions when moved.
  • The List C Document list will now properly display all available List C document types within the E-verify case when the employee’s citizen status is set to "An Alien Authorized to Work".
  • The Overwrite checkbox will now properly display for unique contact roles when there is already a contact with the role assigned.
  • Previously, users would receive an object reference not found error when searching for Security groups. Now users will not longer receive an error when searching for security groups.
  • Corrected an internal failure error that was appearing when adding multiple groupings for Assignment message, adjustment, and commission results.
  • Sometimes the New Hire package emails would be blank when sent to an employee. Now the New hire template selected will display all the template’s information when sent to the desired email contact.
  • Previously, Assessment emails would appear blank within the email window even when an Assessment Template was selected. Now the selected Assessment email template will display in the email window properly.
  • Fixed annoyance issues with the “Go to Submitter” context menu in the Order > Candidates area.
  • Users were previously unable to void multiple checks at once for the same Bank ID. This would occur only when the checks Bank ID did not match what was the default back for the branch that the user was. Now users will be able to void checks without error in this situation.
  • Corrected an error that would come up when clicking the calculate button on the GP Calculator. This error would only show if a user had not selected a customer or had previously navigated to one during their current Enterprise session. The calculate button will no longer be able to be clicked on in this situation.
  • Users will no longer be able to click on the Run Init, Import, and Generate buttons after the form is approved in the 1094c/1095c area. Users will need to first unapprove the form before clicking on the aforementioned buttons again.
  • Previously, when a default shift was removed from an order that was on an assignment, the assignment would not display any shifts until the user clicked on the drop down. Now, the assignment will display the last shift it had until a user clicks the shift drop down on said assignment.
  • Sometimes when closing the week, custom week close procedures were being ignored. Now custom week close procedures will be respected within the week close process.
  • Previously when creating a contact record, the zipcode dropdown would not populate with any results when a zipcode was entered. Now zipcodes will properly display in the zipcode dropdown when creating new contacts.


  • Added a new juris group called “Newark NJ” under All Options > Administration > Employers > Jurisdiction Setup.
  • Modified Oregon quarterly mag media procedures to round to the nearest 2 decimal places for the total taxable and State Inc Tax amount instead of the nearest dollar.
  • Added the East Huntingdon TWP PA city tax with a rate of .5%.
  • Made the following local tax updates:
    • Updated Cleveland, OH tax rate to 2.5%
    • Updated Chillicothe, OH tax rate to 2%
    • Updated Minerva, OH tax rate to 1.75%
    • Updated Monroe, OH tax rate to 2%
  • The sales tax rate for Montgomery County Ohio is changing to 7.5% effective 10/1/2018.
  • The sales tax rate for Tuscarawas County Ohio is changing to 7.25% effective 10/1/2018.
  • The sales tax rate for Richland County Ohio has been updated to 7.00%.


  • Updated TLS from 1.0/1.1 to version 1.2.



  • Previously the Inactivity time and Redirect time configurations were being required to be setup even when the Inactivity Dialog Enabled configuration was not turned on.  Now these configurations will no longer be required when the Inactivity Dialog Enabled configuration is turned off.
  • Improved the Tenant creation process by:
    • Adding checks to ensure tenant criteria are valid.
    • Notifying the user which checks failed if any.
    • Rolling back a failed tenant creation to prevent bad data from getting created.


  • Updated the spanish translation on the Application Information page to read “Por favor, indique cómo escucho sobre nosotros” instead of “Por favor, amplíe su opinión sobre nosotros.”.



  • The "Use Web Time" config, under the Admin Config tab > Timecards category,  has been renamed to "Auto Create Timecards" in order to better communicate what that the config is used for.
  • Updated the default value for the WCLogTCUnlock config so when a customer or employee unlocks a timecard, it is logged and displayed in the Event log on the timecard.
  • The “Create New Timecard” option has been modified to be more visible and consistent with the page. This is the option when an employee is choosing to create a new timecard from an assignment.
  • Improved the validation requirements for employees entering unit timecard adjustments.


  • Sometimes a Vendor would see incorrect amount of employees within the Available/Assigned subgroups under the Employee tab, now the correct amount of employees will be displayed in each subgroup.
  • Previously, all transaction were not being displayed in the check details when multiple transactions had the same hours, pay code, and pay rate. Now each transaction will be displayed on the employee’s check details.
  • The Order Id will now be properly displayed on the email notification that is sent when a customer contact updates the status of a candidate within WebCenter.
  • In the WebCenter vendor order details area, long Public Job Descriptions were being truncated and causing issues when displaying the information. This has been fixed.
  • Previously, when an approved timecard was unlocked in WebCenter, the Copy action would be duplicated. Now the copy action will only appear once when timecard is unlocked.



  • Added new API endpoints for Azure Face Verification, which will be used for future Buzz features.


  • Modified resume parser API procedures to pass null values when creating employees instead of adding whitespace to fields when passing empty strings.
  • Added a HowHeardOfId parameter to the twapi3_Ats_Employee_Create procedure.


  • Corrected errant null ref exception errors that were displaying in Application Insights.



  • Added two new configs, "Google Autocomplete API Key" and "JobBoard Location Autocomplete", for the JobBoard location autocomplete feature.


  • Modified the process in which we validate JobBoard’s license.  Previously, the validation would be selecting the license based on the EINC of the service rep. Now we get the tenants specific license, if there is one, and then fall back to the system level license.
  • Added the Google Places API iteration into the JobBoard so that the location text box now has an autocomplete feature. This will correct issues where a Job Board results may not populate based on location searches.
  • An object reference error will no longer occur when going to the details page of an order that doesn't exist. A Job couldn't be found page will open instead in this situation.

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