Order Register Report

Order Register


This report allows you to find orders based on many different filtering options. It is a great report to use for auditing your outstanding orders or get a list of all closed orders for a specific client or branch.


1. Branch: A drop down list of all branches in the user’s current hierarchy. Is a multi-value parameter so they can select all branches, just one specific branch or any combination of different branches in the list.

2.  Date Filter: A drop down determining what field your date range filters on.

a. Start Date of order

b. End Date of order

c. Date Opened of order

3.Order Status: A drop down list of all order statuses in the user’s current hierarchy. Is a multi-value parameter so they can select all order statuses, just one specific order status or any combination of different order statuses in the list.

4. Group By: A list of different fields to group the data into on the report. Has the following options:

a. Branch

b. Customer

c. Department

d. Start Date

e. Shift

F. Job Title

5. Start Date: Starting date of your desired date range. 

6. End Date: Ending creation date of your desired date range.

7. Customer Name: The customer name on the order that the assignment is tied to. 

8. Department Name: The department name on the order that the assignment is tied to.

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