Welcome to August 🍉
*Note* For all self-hosted clients, as always, ensure you install all updates to give your users the best experience and new features. There is an additional note for self-hosted users at the end of this article.
The Highlights
Interest Code Updates in Beyond
Did you know that interest codes can be added to any employee, customer, contact, or order record? This can help you tag and organize all your records.
Thanks to your feedback, our interest code sections have been improved to allow editing and adding interest codes en mass to make it even easier to keep track of skills, interests, and misc. requirements.

To learn more about interest codes in Beyond, check out:
Crimcheck Background Checks in Beyond
Crimcheck joins our list of background check providers that are available in Beyond.
Check out all of our current providers and learn more about how the integration is setup: Beyond - Background Check Providers and Setup.

To learn more about how background checks work in Beyond, check out Beyond - How to Run a Background Check.
Talk to your TempWorks Account Manager to get started with Crimcheck today!
Additional Updates
API Updates:
- Updated background check validation for Asurint which will require each user to have an email setup under System Settings > Service Representatives
In Beyond:
- Fixed an issue where some users were seeing accrual packages that were outside their current hierarchy level on the assignment and customer records. (for more information on Accruals, check out Beyond - Managing Accruals on the Customer, Worksite, and Assignment Records)
- When searching for employees by SSN or other Government Identification (NINO SIN), you can now enter the number with or without formatting(hyphens or spaces) to get results.
- When using any background check integration in Beyond, there is a new help icon to help when entering system credentials. Once credentials have been submitted, the system will automatically test the credentials to ensure a connection can be established with the provider.
- When reviewing background check results on an employee's record, any filters or toggles used will no longer clear when navigating away and back to the results.
- Fixed an issue where some users will receiving an error when editing customer status security groups. Check out Beyond - Managing Security Groups for more information.
- Fixed an issue where some users were receiving an error message when trying to submit a new accrual package to an employee record. Check out Beyond - Managing Employee Accruals for more information on Accruals.
- Fixed an issue where some users were receiving an error message when attempting to sort prospects by primary contact.
- Fixed an issue where the system was not updating after default multiplier codes and worker comp codes were edited and saved on the customer record.
- Fixed an issue where users were receiving multiple error messages when attempting to search prospect records and sorting by Converted to Customer.
Self-Hosted Notes:
1.) Login server changes require a manual SQL migration script (20200807_self-hosted_sql_migrations.ps1 from the TempWorks GitHub repository) to be applied using appropriate paths:
> powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\20200807_self-hosted_sql_migrations.ps1 C:\ProgramData\TempWorks\config\login-server
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