Beyond - Fields that Sync with Sense

Once the setup for Sense has been completed, information from Beyond will automatically sync to Sense for texting and engage automation. The following record types are synced to Sense:

Within those record types are individual fields that are synced to Sense from Beyond as well. This article contains a comprehensive list of all the fields within Beyond that sync with Sense along with additional setup steps as needed.

*Note* This integration does require additional setup and an existing relationship with Sense. For more information about getting this setup, and pricing inquiries, please contact your TempWorks Account Manager.

*Note* The following field correlations can be used to create Journeys within the Sense Web Application. For more information on how to setup Journeys, please see the following Sense Knowledge Base article here.


Employees in Beyond correlate to Candidates in Sense.

Sense Field NameBeyond Field Location/Name
ActiveEmployee > Active
Employee > Details > Address 1
Employee > Details > Address 2
Employee > Details > Interest Codes > Category
Employee > City
Employee > Country
Employee > Search > Assigned Filter
Employee > Details > Hiring > Activation Date
Employee > Details > Hiring > Deactivation Date
Employee > Messages > Last Message Date
Employee > Charm Menu > Web User > View Account Details > Web User Details > Username
Employee > Details > Hiring > Washed Status
Employee > Messages > Last Message Action Code Name
Employee > Details > Hiring Information > Profession
Employee > Work Experience > Hobbies and Languages > Language
The date the Employee was created.

The last Email or SMS message that was created in Sense and logged on the Employee record in Beyond.

The date the Employee was last modified.
Employee > Details > EEO > Date of Birth
Employee > Contact Information > Email
Employee > Details > EEO > Nationality > Race/Ethnicity
First_NameEmployee > First  Name
Employee > Details > EEO > Gender
Employee > Contact Method > Home Phone
Employee > Snapshot > ID
Employee > Details > Staffing Specialist
Employee > Last Name
Employee > Contact Method > Cell Phone
Employee > Details > Personal > Nickname
Employee > Details > Personal > Branch
Employee > Details > Interest Codes > Interest Code
Employee > Details > How Heard Of > Where
Employee > State
Employee > Status
Employee > Details > Hiring > Job Title
ZipcodeEmployee > Zip Code


Customers in Beyond correlate to Companies in Sense.

Sense Field NameBeyond Field Location/Name
Address1Customer > Street 1
Address2Customer > Street 2
CityCustomer > City
Customer > Visifile > Contacts > ID
Only the most recent, Active Contact record will sync with Sense.
Company_NameCustomer > Customer Name
CountryCustomer > Addresses > Country
Date_AddedCustomer > Details > Customer Information > Activation Date
DepartmentCustomer > Department (or Primary)
IDCustomer > Customer ID
Internal_User_IDThe Service Rep who created the Customer record.
PhoneCustomer > Contact Information > Phone
StateCustomer > State
Customer > Visifile > Snapshot > Status
URLCustomer > Details > Customer Information > Website
ZipcodeCustomer > Zip Code


Contacts in Beyond correlate to Client Contacts in Sense.

Sense Field NameBeyond Field Location/Name
ActiveContact > Active
Address1Contact > Details > Address > Address 1
Address2Contact > Details > Address > Address 2
CityContact > Details > Address > City
Contact > Visifile > Snapshot > Customer
CountryContact > Details > Address > Country
Employee > Messages > Last Message Date
Contact > Details > Interest Codes
Contact > Branch
Date_AddedDate the Contact record was created.
Date_Last_ModifiedDate the Contact record information was last modified.
Contact > Details > Personal > Date of Birth
EmailContact > Visifile > Contact Information > Email
First_NameContact > First Name
Home_PhoneContact > Visifile > Contact Information > Home Phone
IDContact > ID
Internal_User_IDService Rep that created the Contact record.
Last_NameContact > Last Name
Mobile_PhoneContact > Visifile > Contact Information > Cell Phone
Nick_NameContact > Details > Personal > Nickname
SourceContact > Details > Other Information > How Heard Of
StateContact > Details > Address > State
StatusContact > Visifile > Snapshot > Status
TitleContact > Visifile > Snapshot > Title
Work_PhoneContact > Visifile > Contact Information > Office Phone
ZipcodeContact > Details > Address > Zip Code

Job Order

Job Orders are the same between Beyond and Sense.

Sense Field NameBeyond Field Location/Name
Address1Job Order > Details > Customer Information > Worksite > Street 1
Address2Job Order > Details > Customer Information > Worksite > Street 2
Bill_RateJob Order > Visifile > Snapshot > Bill Rate
CategoriesJob Order > Details > Interest Codes > Category
CityJob Order > Details > Customer Information > Worksite > City
Client_Contact_IDJob Order > Details > Contact Roles > Contact ID (Supervisor Only)
Job Order > Visifile > Contact Roles > Add Contact Role > Role > Report To
Company_IDJob Order > Details > Customer Information > Customer
CountryJob Order > Details > Customer Information > Worksite > Country
Job Order > Details > Customer Information > Directions
Job Order > Details > Job Information > Dress Code
Job Order > Visifile > Snapshot > Branch
Date the Job Order was created.
Job Order > Details > Job Information > Estimated End Date
Date the Job Order was last modified.
Job Order > Details > Job Information > Start Date
Job Order > Details > Job Board Options > Public Job Description
Job Order > Details > Job Information > Job Order Type
Job Order > Snapshot > Job Order ID
Job Order > Details > Job Board Options > Publicly Visible
The job posting URL within the JobBoard.
Job Order > Details > Financials > Pay Rate
Job Order > Details > Job Information > Shift
Job Order > Details > Customer Information > Worksite > State
Job Order > Details > Other Information > Status
Job Order > Details > Job Information > Job Title
ZipcodeJob Order > Details > Customer Information > Worksite > Zip Code


Assignments in Beyond correlate to Placements in Sense.

Sense FieldBeyond Field Location/Name
Bill_RateAssignment > Snapshot > Bill Rate
Candidate_IDAssignment > Snapshot > Employee ID
Client_Contact_IDJob Order > Details > Contact Roles > Contact ID (Supervisor Only)
Company_IDCustomer > Customer ID
Assignment > Details > Job Information > Start Date + Start Time
Assignment > Details > Job Information > End Date + End Time
Assignment > Details > Job Information > End Time
Assignment > Details > Job Information > Start Time
Assignment > Visifile > Snapshot > Branch
Custom_Date7 & Date_AddedAssignment > Details > Job Information > Original Start Date
Date_EndAssignment > Details > Job Information > End Date
Date_Last_ModifiedThe most recent date the Assignment had information modified.
Date_StartAssignment > Details > Job Information > Start Date
Employment_TypeJob Order > Details > Job Information > Job Order Type
IDAssignment > Assignment ID
Internal_User_IDThe Service Rep who created the Assignment.
Assignment > Details > Other Information > Account Manager
Assignment > Details > Other Information > Sales Team
Job_Order_IDJob Order > Job Order ID
Overtime_Bill_RateAssignment > Details > Financials > Overtime Bill Rate
Overtime_Pay_RateAssignment > Details > Financials > Overtime Pay Rate
Pay_RateAssignment > Details > Financials > Pay Rate
SalaryAssignment > Details > Financials > Salary Pay Rate
ShiftAssignment > Details > Job Information > Shift
StatusAssignment > Details > Status

Order Candidates

Order Candidates in Beyond correlate to Submissions in Sense.

Sense FieldBeyond Field Location/Name
Candidate_IDEmployee > Visifile > Snapshot > ID
Client_Contact_IDJob Order > Details > Contact Roles > ID (Role Supervisor)
CommentsJob Order > Candidates > Comments
Date_AddedJob Order > Candidates > Employee > Placed On
Date_Last_ModifiedThe date the Order record was last modified.
Date_StartJob Order > Details > Job Information > Start Date
IDThe ID of the Order Candidate record.
Job_Order_IDJob Order > Visifile > Snapshot > Job Order ID
Owner_IDBeyond > Employee > Details > Hiring > Staffing Specialist
Sending_User_IDThe Service Rep ID of the individual who created the Order Candidate.
SourceBeyond > Employee > Details > How Heard Of > Where
StatusJob Order > Candidates > Status

Service Rep

Service Reps in Beyond correlate to Internal Users in Sense.

Sense FieldBeyond Field Location/Name
ActiveSystem Settings > Service Representatives > Is Active
Date the Service Rep was created.
EmailSystem Settings > Service Representatives > Email
FirstNameSystem Settings > Service Representatives > First Name of the Full Name field
IDID of the Service Rep.
LastNameSystem Settings > Service Representatives > Last Name of the Full Name field.
MobilePhoneSystem Settings > Service Representatives > Phone

Employee Required Documents

Employee Required Documents in Beyond correlate to Certificates in Sense.

Candidate_IDEmployee > Visifile > Snapshot > ID
CommentsEmployee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > Requirement Description
Date_AddedEmployee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > Received Date
Employee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > More Fields > Issued Date
Date_ExpirationEmployee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > Requirement Expiration Date
IDID of the Required Document.
Issued_ByEmployee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > Authority
License_NumberEmployee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > More Fields > License Number
License_TypeEmployee > Documents > "+" > Document Type
NameEmployee > Documents > "+" > Name
Placement_IDID of the Assignment.
StatusEmployee > Documents > "+" > Required Document > More Fields > Document Status

*Note* Before Employee Required Document fields are able to be synced from Beyond to Sense, the Required Document Type must be "Active" and must be enabled to sync with Sense.

Navigate to B Menu > System Settings > Required Document Types > Edit > Sync to Sense:

Once the checkbox is selected, the fields listed above will sync with Sense for all Employee Required Documents that are linked to that Required Document Type.

Please keep in mind the following to ensure the syncing of Employee Required Document information to Sense:

  1. The Required Document Type must be "Active" and the "Sync to Sense" checkbox must be checked.
  2. The Employee record must be "Active".
  3. The Employee Required Document must be linked to the Required Document Type that has been setup to sync with Sense.

*Note* By deactivating the Required Document Type that was setup to sync with Sense, all Employee Required Documents linked to that type will no longer sync to Sense. 

All prior synced information will remain on Sense related to the Employee Required Documents, but no updated information will sync to Sense while the Required Document Type is deactivated.

*Note* While the syncing of information does happen automatically throughout the day, users have the option to manually sync Employee Required Document information to Sense.

Navigate to the Employee > Documents > Required Documents > Select the  icon > Sync To Sense:

Custom Data

Custom Data fields within Beyond/Enterprise correlate to Custom Data Fields within Sense.

*Note* Before being able to map the Custom Data fields within Beyond to Sense, Custom Data fields need to be setup within Enterprise by following the instructions within the Enterprise - How to Setup and Manage Custom Data Knowledge Base article.

Once the Custom Data fields have been setup within Enterprise, they can be configured within Beyond by following the instructions within the Beyond - Custom Data Knowledge Base article.

Once the Custom Data fields have been setup and configured as intended within Enterprise, they are able to be setup to be mapped to Sense by navigating to the B Menu > System Settings > External Service > Texting > Sense:

*Note* Only users who have access to System Settings in Beyond will be able to access the Custom Data mappings to Sense.

*Note* This section will only appear if there is a current Custom Data field setup for an individual record type within your system.

Regarding the first column, Sense Data Fields, Sense allows for 6 TempWorks Custom Data fields to be mapped per Sense Data Field type.

For example, Sense has the following Data Field types:

  • Custom_Date
  • Custom_Float
  • Custom_Integer
  • Custom_Text_Block
  • Custom_Text

For each Sense Data Field type, there can be a total of 6 mapped TempWorks Custom Data Fields per record type (Employee, Customer, Contact, Job Order, Assignment).

*Note* Only TempWorks Custom Data fields that match the Sense Data Field type are able to be mapped accordingly.

For example, a TempWorks Custom Data field that contains a date, cannot be mapped to a Sense Data Field of "Custom_Float", as "Custom_Float" does not represent a date. Instead, this will need to be mapped to a Sense Data Field of "Custom_Date".

Fortunately, when selecting the TempWorks Custom Data Field dropdown, only those fields that match the Sense Data Field type are able to be selected:

Also note that once a TempWorks Custom Data field has been mapped to a Sense Data Field, that TempWorks Custom Data field is not able to be mapped a second time.

Once you have selected the mapping between the Sense Data field and TempWorks Custom Data field, select "Save":

Continue this process for each line within the chart that you would like to map.

*Note* Only one line can be edited at a time within the chart.

Once all of the mappings are complete, the Custom Data fields will appear within the Sense portal.

*Note* In the event Custom Data fields are deactivated within Enterprise, if they are still mapped within the table, they will continue to sync with Sense. These fields are indicated by the  icon next to the TempWorks Custom Data Field column:

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