Enterprise - Poor Performance and Popup Windows Freeze or Do Not Appear in Enterprise Remote-App


When navigating to areas in TempWorks Enterprise that cause a popup menu or dialog to appear, the screen may turn grey and unresponsive with no popup appearing. The window may appear after 20-60 seconds. Clicking away from Enterprise or closing the window and then returning to it may cause the window to appear. 

General performance experience is degraded in RemoteApps.

This is a known issue with Microsoft's remote desktop client integrated in the Microsoft Windows operating system.


This issue affects TempWorks Enterprise users who run Enterprise through our Remote-App deployment options, such as https://apps.ontempworks.com/.

It is known to affect computers with Windows 10 version 1709 who do not have the latest updates, or computers with Windows 10 version 1803.

Find your operating system version here:


For users on versions other than 1803, you should apply the latest Microsoft Windows updates.

For users on Windows 10 Version 1803, the resolution is more complicated.

  • Microsoft has yet to release a fix for this issue for version 1803.

Possible options to work around the issue on 1803 are following:

  1. Roll back to 1709. This option is only available for a few days following an upgrade to version 1803. It may necessitate a reinstall of your operating system which will come with associated potential for data loss.
  2. Wait for Microsoft to release a fix to correct the issue. A fix such as this is expected in the next few weeks to months.
    (Update: Microsoft did update the RDP client with 1809, however that version is currently delayed due to issues with it's release)
  3. Update to the opt-in "Fast Ring" updates for preview builds of the operating system. Great caution should be used when participating in this program as this software from Microsoft is less tested and includes known issues that could negatively impact the use of your PC. Details on this are in the resources below.
  4. Manually patch the faulting remote desktop components.

Version of Windows from before June 12th:

  • Replace the mstsc.exe and mstscax.dll with working versions.
    • Further details provided below in resources.
  • The following utility is provided with no support to perform this replacement.

Version of Windows from on or after June 12th (e.g. the June 12th 2018 1803 build KB4284835 – 17134.112 or the July 10th 2018 1803 build KB4284835 – 17134.165)


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