Bridge - Training & Knowledge Base

Navigate to the Bridge menu and select training to be redirected here. This section allows you to see upcoming webinars hosted by the TempWorks trainers weekly and register for ones you are interested in. 

*Note* Currently Beyond and Buzz webinars are free for all attendees. Your contracted hourly training rates may apply to other webinars.

To register for a training session:

  1. Select 'Register Here' next to the webinar you are interested in:
  2. You will be redirected to the Registration page. Enter the following information:
    • Select the date you would like to attend the webinar
    • Enter your first and last name
    • Enter your email address
    • Enter name of your staffing company
  3. Select 'Register'
  4. You will receive an email confirming your registration

Selecting 'Knowledge Base' from the Bridge menu will redirect you to here, the TempWorks Knowledge Base ( This website is designed to provide you with the resources you need to learn more about TempWorks products. Utilize the search bar in the upper right to search using key phrases and find the articles and videos related to your topic or browse topics on the left. 

This website is maintained by the trainers at TempWorks and articles will be updated to reflect any system updates or added to demonstrate any new features. 

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