Beyond - Bookmarks


Bookmarking within Beyond allows you to jump between important records and pages you wish to hold onto.

Adding Bookmarks

You can add a bookmark by simply navigating to any page within Beyond and select the "Bookmark" icon at the top right:

Once saved, your newly added bookmark will appear within the "Bookmarks" section to the left:

*Note* Bookmarking pages with applied filters (i.e searches) will not have the filters apply between sessions of viewing the bookmarked page.

Removing Bookmarks

Bookmarks are able to be removed just as simply as they are able to be added, by selecting the "Bookmark" icon at the top right of any previously bookmarked page in Beyond:

Bookmarks are also able to be removed by selecting the icon within the "Bookmarks" section on the left:

Removing the bookmark will remove the page from the "Bookmarks" section on the left:

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