The products section of Bridge allows you to download the latest versions of our software.
To see a list of available products, navigate to the
Bridge menu and select 'Products.' The software available to you will be listed with date updated and version information.
Select the 'Download' button next the product you wish to download:
Selecting 'Community' from the Bridge menu will redirect you to the Community Hub homepage. This hub is designed to help facilitate open communication regarding product enhancements, software utilization, and operational process improvements.
This community is best served by participation. The more participation in the community, the more beneficial the community is to everyone. While this community is restricted to current TempWorks customers and staff members, you should treat all posts as if they were public. Avoid posting any sensitive information on this forum.
Visit the Community Hub FAQ for more information.
While this hub is great for discussing product enhancements and conversing with others about how to most effectively use the TempWorks offerings, it is not designed for real-time or emergency support. If you have an issue that requires immediate attention from the TempWorks team, please call our Support Center at 1-651-452-0366 or open a ticket on Bridge (see Support Tickets in Bridge for more information).
Community Hub topics are organized into the following categories: