Release Notes: 08/04/2017

Version ∞2017.8.04:



  • Added an error to the procedure that does payroll error checking to make sure that the pre-tax adjustments do not exceed the gross of the check. This is done by comparing the pre-tax adjustments to the juris gross of each check tax record and if any do, it will add the error stating "Pre-tax adjustments exceed the gross for one or more tax jurisdictions on the check." 


  • The “Log Message” option in the ACA section search results will now auto-link to the selected employee.
  • Corrected an issue that could cause newly set up Mass Mailer and regular email accounts to not be saved upon creation. 
  • When you highlight more than one check for a single employee and try to reissue them at the same time, you get an error message saying, "You cannot reissue two checks for the same person in the same run". This would cause a leftover payroll run to be left open and would need to be manually abandoned. 
  • Fixed issues with the message attachments tab in the message wizard when logging a message via the employee search.
  • Corrected a Null Reference error that could up when on the ACA details form.
  • The Worker Comp Summary report would previously show only the state that the employer was located in when the "All" states option was selected. Now this option will show all states.
  • Previously, the New Hire report would not pull in Start Dates. Now it does.
  • You can no longer create WebCenter usernames containing spaces.
  • Invoice email messages logged on the customer record were previously not logging the entire email message properly. Now they will.
  • When selecting an invoice email template in Customer > Invoice Setup > Billing Setup, inactive email templates will no longer display.
  • Any time a user Merged invoices, the merged invoice would display as “Pending” if the "Use a new invoice number." was selected. The new invoice in this scenario will no longer display as a “Pending” invoice.
  • Corrected an Object Reference error that could occur when attempting to send a test email from the Email Invoices wizard in Pay/Bill.


  • Removed the deprecated “Automatic Delivery Method Change” area in Employee > Pay Setup.



  • When someone puts in the password for the "SMTP Credentials: Password" config, we show the full password when they are looking at the current rules. We now mask the shown password.


Rate Changes:

  • Updated Milton-Union Evsd rate to 1.25%


  • Users will no longer get the taxcalcruleid = 0 error for SUTA admin jurisdictions. 

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