Records can be found within the navigation tree and are accessible based upon user security roles.
Navigation Tree
The navigation tree is located in the lower left hand corner of the home screen. What is displayed in your navigation tree can be tailored from the options E-menu button. By default you will see the employee, customer, order, assignment, contact, pay/bill, calendar, reports, and all options records listed.
Definition of Record Types
Employee: ​Information within this area includes all applicant, candidate, and employee details regardless if they are active, terminated, etc. The employee record holds data such as contact method information, messages, pay history, past jobs, documents and much more.
Customer: Information found in this section includes all data regarding prospects, and any former, or current clients. The customer record is created for a specific company, corporation, building, etc. Within the customer record additional details such as sales information, documents, invoice setup, defaults, and more can be seen.
Order: This section contains all information regarding all orders (requisitions, openings, requests) placed by customers. Order records hold valuable information including shift times, start dates, financial details, worksite details etc.
Assignment: This section contains data regarding all placements made by your organization(s). Assignments are created off of order records and are what tie the employee to a position. The information gathered from assignment records directly communicates to the back office (payroll and invoicing) portion of Enterprise.
Contact: Contact records are linked directly to Customer records. The contact record relates to specific people at customer that your organization communicates with. This is where records for hiring managers, supervisors, invoice recipients, etc. will be placed. Prospects and current, or former contacts will all be found in the contact section.
Pay/Bill: This section allows authorized users to access time entry spreadsheets, and to process employee payroll, customer invoices and invoice payments.
Calendar: This area can be utilized for scheduling and organizing appointment information. Depending upon Email integration, calendars may be synced with outside email providers such as Outlook.
Reports: With over 200 standard reports available, regardless of their position within a staffing company, users can find reporting related to their daily tasks. Whether a sales person is looking for a commission report, recruiters are looking for who is on assignment, or payroll needs a missing timecard report there is an array to chose from.
All Options: Clicking all options displays additional functionality throughout the system, accessible based upon user permissions.