Version ∞2017.11.17
- Added a read only “Assigned” column to the HrCenter Search grid in All Options > HrCenter > Search. This will represent whether the employee is on an active assignment or not.
- We now display the date an employee record was created in the hiring information section on Employee > Details.
- Optimized the uFixWorkerComp procedure that runs when selecting option in PayBill > Action Menu > Modify Worker Comp. This Option will now only be run for the Txns records visible at the user’s current hierarchy and will only update rows that are modified.
- Updated and cleaned up the manage web user account area to appear more user friendly.
- Updated two procedures that are used when running paycheck stub reprint report (aka earnings statement) to show the juris description instead of the Juris name. I.e “Employee Portion Medicare tax” instead of “EMed”. Note that this change is only for reprints.
- Updated the Mag Media file for Connecticut to the specs found on their website.
- Improved speed and performance when running the Tax Deposit Breakout report by weekend bill.
- Addressed a rare error that could come up when sending employees web user invitations. To do this, we modified the part of the wc_NS_CreateUserInvitation procedure that identifies the appropriate message action to use by basing it off the message action itself rather than the description.
- When abandoning authority runs, the check count column will now correctly display the number of checks in the authority run.
- Altered the OrderCopy procedure to ensure that the default required documents are setup on the new order when copying an order.
- Users would previously get an error stating, “end date cannot be before start date” in a situation where they set the order status to “Closed” when the orders start date was in the future. The end date will be set equal to the start date in situations like this going forward. Assignments with a start date in the past will still have the end date set to the current date.
- The Sales Pipeline report would previously not show data in situations where pipeline statuses had spaces at the end of a status. Spaces at the very end of pipeline statuses will now be trimmed off when running the report to correct this.
- Corrected an issue where users could change live starting check numbers when processing payroll if a bank is not setup to use preprinted check stock. Note that the starting epay check number will always be editable no matter what the bank is setup to use.
- An error message was not appearing when attempting to recalculate Sales Tax/Surcharge before an invoice transaction was completely posted. This has been fixed.
- Added the “AIdent” parameter back into the Employee Transaction report.
- Added the config GCCChkSavOrExp to all databases that were missing it. This config is necessary for the Global Cash Card integration.
- Added the PrintingContract to the eoy_taxform table to all databases that were missing it. This is necessary for navigating to the HrCenter form on the 1094/1095 page.
- Added a new survey called "Electronic W2 Enrollment" which allows employees to elect to receive their W2s electronically or not.
- If you would like to change the text on this new survey, you can do so in HrCenter Admin by clicking on the "Pages" section > Clicking the "Survey" tab > Scrolling down until you find the Electronic W2 Enrollment survey and click "Copy". This will create a copied version of the form and you will be able to edit it just like any other survey!
- Employees can log into their WebCenter accounts to find and download their W2s by clicking on the below option.

- Added a new column (StatusMessage) to the timeclock_timecards table so error messages can be logged when there are exceptions in the processing engine. This will help support better troubleshoot certain timeclock issues.
- Added the ability to enter decimal values when entering adjustments on a daily timecard.
- The “Manage Paystubs” link will no longer appear if the employee does not have access to the pay history tab even if the “Show pay Stubs Links” config is set to true.
- Corrected a rare issue where timeclock timecards wouldn’t appear on reports until a user navigated specifically to the timeclock tab in WebCenter.
- The "Timecard Show Gross Pay Customer" config in the timecard category has been fixed.
- Users will no longer experience an error when uploading a document in the webcenter admin documents tab.
- Users will no longer experience an error when creating new availability recurrences.
- An error will no longer come up when a user creates an order request.
- Addressed unexpected behavior with WebCenter not respecting timecard create configurations.
- Added the ability to search by full email address.