Enjoy our latest updates!
*Note* For all self-hosted clients, as always, ensure you install all updates to give your users the best experience and new features. There is an additional note for self-hosted users at the end of this article.
The Highlights
Background Check Insight Widget
We've added a new insight widget to our Beyond Dashboard this week for those of you that are utilizing one or more of our Background Check Integrations.

To learn more, check out Beyond - Default Insight Widgets & Beyond - Reviewing Background Check Statuses
Additional Updates
In Beyond:
- Fixed an issue where some assignment status icons were remaining grey when they were still active on the employee's visifile.
- Fixed an issue where the Prospects Summary Insight Widget was not properly reflecting the number of new prospects entered on the current day.
- Added validation for Asurint Background Checks. Beyond will now double check if the education item is missing the state field and direct you to update this field if it is missing the address for the institution.
- Fixed an issue where Bank Name was not changing after updating a routing number for an employee's direct deposit account in Beyond.
- Fixed an issue where some users were seeing accrual packages that were outside their current hierarchy level on the assignment and customer records. (for more information on Accruals, check out Beyond - Managing Accruals on the Customer, Worksite, and Assignment Records)
- You can now preview .txt files in Beyond under the documents tab on a record.
- We've added a new message when reviewing or adding Crimcheck user credentials letting you know when system credentials have not been set up. Check out Beyond - Background Check Providers and Setup for more information.
- Fixed an issue where the filter option was not working when editing Insight Widget Security Groups.
- We've added the ability when managing interest codes, to add interest codes by interest code category.
- For Asurint Background Checks, we updated background check packages looking for education items with missing degree types to now say "missing degree type" instead of "missing degree awarded."
- PeogleG2 integration in Beyond requires that their account be set up with location options. We have added a new message that will display if the account does not have location options set up.
Self-Hosted Notes:
An internal license used by the TempWorks resume parser docker image has been updated in the 8/20 release. It is important that self-hosted customers update their `tempworks/sovren-srps` service container prior to 10/20/2010 in order to avoid an interruption to resume parsing functionality in Beyond.