Indiana New Hire Export


Based on requirements from the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act," or PRWORA, employers are required to directly report their new hires and re-hires to the state directory. The Indiana New Hire export allows you to efficiently report the required information to the state.

*Note* For more information on the PRWORA, please see the following article from the state of Indiana.

Preliminary Setup

Before running the export, there are a couple additional setup steps you may need to be aware of including:

  • Configuring the Custom Data Field
  • SOC Code Linking

Configuring the Custom Data Field

Indiana’s file specification requires employers to indicate whether or not medical insurance is available to the employee. Within the export, this field has been configured to default to “Y”, meaning Yes. If you wish to specify values for this field for one or more employees, you must create a new custom data field named “Indiana New Hire - Medical Insurance Available” to track this on employee profiles.

*Note* This custom data field is not required, however it is needed if you wish to specify that medical insurance was not available to one or more employees.

Navigate to Enterprise > All Options > Administration > Custom Data >"+" to add a new Custom Data entry and enter the following information:

*Note* Only users with administration access can create custom data fields. Custom Data fields can only be created in Enterprise at this time.

For more information on the creation of Custom Data fields, please see the article titled Enterprise - How to Setup and Manage Custom Data.

  • Property Name: Indiana New Hire - Medical Insurance Available
  • Origin Type: Employee
  • Column Type: String
  • Data List Values:
    • Y
    • N

*Note* This custom data field must be configured with data-list values of “Y” and “N” using the settings displayed below:

  • Required: Unchecked
  • Active: Checked
  • Hierarchy: Select the appropriate hierarchy level
  • Category: Blank

Once the information has been entered, select the "Save" icon at the top left to create the Custom Data field.

Once the Custom Data field has been created, it can be configured on any employee record. within both Enterprise and Beyond.

SOC Code Linking

Additionally, please work with TempWorks Support to ensure your systems' SOC Codes are linked properly to your Job Titles/Skill Codes.

*Note* For more information on SOC Codes, please see the following article from the state of Indiana.

How To Run the Export

Navigate to Enterprise > Pay/Bill > Action's Menu > Export and select the following:

  • Category: Employee
  • Procedure: New Hire Files
  • Start Date: Select an appropriate Start Date.
  • End Date: Select an appropriate End Date.
  • Format State: IN
  • EINC: Select the required EINC.

Once the information has been entered, select "Export" to export the file.

With the file exported, you can submit the information to the state of Indiana.

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