

Release Notes: 12/29/2017
Version ∞2017.12.29 Enterprise New: Added the ability to create or revoke personal access tokens that are used with auth server builds of Enterprise. This is located in All Options > Ad...
Release Notes: 12/15/2017
Version ∞2017.12.15 Enterprise Improvements: Updated the report footer note on the Affordable Care Act Compliance Determination report to reflect the 2017 1094 instructions. The report ...
Release Notes: 12/08/2017
Version ∞2017.12.8 Enterprise New: Now logging changes made to the Customer > Invoice Setup > Peo setup > Fees area. This is under the CustomerPeoFeeLog table and will help Support trou...
Release Notes: 12/01/2017
Version ∞2017.12.1 Enterprise New: Added the ability to include Branch Burden percentages in the Gross Profits Calculators. This is done by navigating to All Options > Administration > Br...