New Articles

  1. Essential StaffCare Overview

    TempWorks & Essential StaffCARE Essential StaffCARE (ESC) is the largest provider of ACA-compliant health plans and supplemental employee benefits to the Staffing Industry. Serving over 1,800 staffing company clients and enrolling over 750,0...
  2. Text-Em-All Overview

    TempWorks & Text-Em-All Text-Em-All enables you to fill job orders with just one text and/or voice message. In minutes, you can reach five people or 5,000. There are no group size limitations, no delays in message delivery, and no limit on u...
  3. Enterprise - How to Recalculate Taxes & Surcharges on an Invoice

    Invoice Editing Options In Enterprise, there are many different ways to edit invoices. In this article we are going to cover how to update or recalculate sales taxes and surcharges on an invoice.  Other Edit Options Include: Enterprise ...
  4. Enterprise - Worksites

    What are Worksites? Worksites are the addresses for the physical locations that you are sending employees. They help calculate taxes during payroll, and help you document the location for each job site.  How are Worksites Different From Depa...
  5. Enterprise - Departments

    Why Create Departments? Departments help create divisions in larger customers that you work for which allows you to pull separate reporting, billing, and more! This option also allows you to document a company structure/hierarchy. Departments may n...
  6. Enterprise - How to Find Processed Invoices

    What are Processed Invoices? Once transactions have been entered in Time Entry, proofed and run through invoicing, they are considered processed invoices. These invoices don't disappear from the system. This article will take a look at a few di...
  7. Enterprise - How to Process Weekly Invoices (invoice overview)

    What is the Invoice Wizard? The invoicing wizard allows you to take the billable time that has been entered and proofed to create invoices based on the invoice setup for each customer.  Invoicing can be done before or after payroll is processe...
  8. Utilizing Electronic W-2s

    Electronic W-2 Overview During year end processes, you can offer to make an employee's W-2 available electronically via WebCenter™. Employees who opt in will be able to see their W-2 as soon as it becomes available and download or print a...
  9. Release Notes: 03/20/2020

    March is coming to a close which means Spring is here! Stay safe everyone. *Note*  For all self-hosted clients, as always, ensure you install all updates to give your users the best experience and new features. Additional Updates ...
  10. Beyond - Insight Widget Troubleshooting

    What are Insight Widgets? Insight widgets provide snap shots of important information in your system. These options are located on your dashboard, the first thing every user sees when they log in. This article reviews all the different default in...