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  1. Beyond - Status Change Workflows

    Status Change Workflows The cornerstones of every database are the records that populate them. Within Beyond, five principle records exist: Employee Customer Contact Job Order Assignment Each of these records can be defined by their var...
  2. Enterprise - What is Reverse Billing

    What is Reverse Billing? When voiding or reversing checks in Enterprise, within the check management wizard users will see the option to "reverse billing". When this option is selected, the automatically generated negative transaction (visible in t...
  3. Employee: Interacting with the Tempworks Time Clock

    *Note* TempWorks Software is no longer selling physical TimeClocks. While physical TimeClocks are still in the Extended Support product life cycle, it is recommended that clients utilizing physical TimeClocks begin to research and plan for ...
  4. Enterprise - The Order Avatar & Icons

    An order's avatar area displays important details of the record, including the customer name, department, job title, order id, and number of openings on the order.  Active Status If the order is currently active, the status icon will display...
  5. Release Notes: 07/15/2016

    W h a t ’ s New Version ∞2016.7.15: Added a function permission for marking and unmarking checks as “Unclaimed”. Let support know if you would like to do this.  You can now merge messages when merging contacts. ...
  6. Affordable Care Manual - Employee Setup

    When it comes to Affordable Care Act fines and penalties, guesswork can be risky business! Our ACA tool will take the guesswork out of the equation, keeping you in compliance no matter what happens in Washington. It’s flexible enough to adapt to...
  7. Contact Avatar Area and Actions Menu

    The avatar area area of a contact record displays a quick rundown of helpful information such as the customer they are tied to, their job title within that company, department information, address, and their unique contact ID number.   If ...
  8. Release Notes: 10/15/15

    Enterprise (∞1510.15): The Transactional Detail report will now pull in data for a PO number that was set to "Apply to Children Depts". Sales tax was duplicating on the General Ledger report and now wont. Optimized t...
  9. Enterprise - How to Convert a Timecard to the Federal Format

    Easily convert any timecard in TempWorks Enterprise time entry to the federal timecard format. Use this to simplify the rounding of time, totaling timecards, and, to automatically calculate overtime. Within the time entry form, click to select the...
  10. Customer: The Home Tab

    What is WebCenter? The customer portal of WebCenter gives you, the customer contact access to important information including orders, invoices, and even reporting options. You can even review and  approve time for your employees.  This article rev...