
This category is for all Admins in Beyond. This section reviews user security and other administration options within Beyond.


Beyond - Welcome to Administration
Welcome to Beyond Administration!  This article was created for those who have Administration permissions for Beyond.  Security Groups & Service Reps Looking to manage security permissions or users? Check out   Beyond - Managing Your Service R...
Beyond - Session Expiration
Overview Administrators have the ability to setup custom Beyond session expiration timeframes for their users. This means that, as an admin, you can configure Beyond login sessions to expire automatically within a period of inactivity (in minutes...
Beyond - Managing Your Service Representatives
When you hire a new service rep or when an existing service rep changes roles, locations, job functions, etc. you may need to update their access in Beyond. Your service reps include anyone using Beyond.  This article will review the different secu...
Beyond - Address Standardization
What is Address Standardization? Address standardization compares an address entered or changed on a record by your staff with the U.S. Postal Service standard addresses. This can be helpful to ensure the addresses in your system are accurate for t...
Beyond - Creating & Managing Service Rep Teams
What are Teams in Beyond? Service Rep Teams in Beyond TM allow you to divide your users into various teams. An individual service rep may be associated with more than one team. Teams allow you to share searches, look for tasks, and can be a qual...
Beyond - Insight Widget Access
What are Insight Widgets? Insight widgets provide snap shots of important information in your system. These options are located on your dashboard, the first thing every user sees when they log in. As an admin, you choose which widgets each user, ...
Beyond - Managing Security Groups
What are Security Groups?  Security groups allow you to set security permissions for each user within Beyond. *Note*  Security settings in Enterprise (Sec Roles) are separate from security in Beyond (Security Groups). When editing, adding u...
Beyond - Product Instances
Product Instances *Note*  This article is intended for system administrators, before adding a product instance please consult with a TempWorks Representative. Beyond fully integrates with all of our web modules, this includes: HRCenter...
Beyond - Personal Access Tokens
What are Personal Access Tokens? A personal access token is a code passed between computer programs - a unique identifier and a secret token used for authentication that allows the two computer programs to communicate. You need a personal access ...
Beyond - Status Change Workflows
Status Change Workflows The cornerstones of every database are the records that populate them. Within Beyond, five principle records exist: Employee Customer Contact Job Order Assignment Each of these records can be defined by their var...
Beyond - Required Document Types
Overview Required documents allow you to store, track, and manage documents that are required for employees. Users in Beyond have the ability to add and manage required docume nts on Custo mer, Job Order, and Employee records. *Note*   Requ...
Beyond - Creating Security Groups with Advanced Permissions
Overview Beyond allows for the creation of highly customized Security Groups which include precise restrictions for Service Reps within your system. This article will outline the process to create a new Security Group using Advanced Permission...
Beyond - How to Create and Utilize Cards and Pages
Overview Users can create custom cards and pages to be displayed on the Employee, Customer, Contact, Assignment, and/or Job Order records in Beyond. An example of this functionality is showing an outside webpage as a car d on the emplo yee profi...
Beyond - How to Create Sales Teams
What are Sales Teams? Sales teams denote a salesperson or group of people on a customer, job order, or assignment record. This field is used to pull or group a variety of reports and searches for customers or job orders by sales. First think ab...
Beyond - How to Create Job Titles
Overview Job titles in Beyond are a set drop down list which allows you, the admin, to control what job titles are available in your system. This also helps standardize options for your processes and makes searching and reporting options easy. Jo...
Beyond - How to Create Interest Codes
What are Interest Codes? Interest codes are quick tags on records that provide different searchable and reportable information. These are extremely powerful tools for your employee, customer, contact, and job order records to track any quick bits o...
Beyond - How to Setup Adjustments
What is an Adjustment? Adjustments are garnishments or reimbursements - essentially, any misc items that change (adjust) an employee's paycheck and/or an invoice. Some adjustments are calculated before or after taxes, billable or not billab...
Beyond - Setting Up ACA Adjustments
What is Considered an ACA Adjustment?  When we talk about ACA related Adjustments, we are talking about your benefit adjustments for employee and employer contributions. Before you can apply and adjustments to an employee's pay setup to be deduct...