
Dispatcher is our Daily Pay module designed for labor halls.


Dispatcher - Overview
What is Dispatcher? Dispatcher is an additional module in Enterprise designed for labor halls utilizing daily pay options. This module allows you to create tickets (orders), check in, assign employees, and run payroll all in one area.  *Note*...
Dispatcher - Creating and Managing Tickets
What are Tickets? Tickets in Dispatcher are orders, or requests from a customer for employees. i.e. I need 4 warehouse workers today. In Dispatcher, these tickets are only for a single day of work.  Not sure what Dispatcher is? Check out Dispat...
Dispatcher - Checking-In Employees
Checking-In Employees In Dispatcher, you can check-in employees who call or come into your labor hall to mark them as available and assign them to tickets within Dispatcher. Not sure what Dispatcher is? Check out Dispatcher Overview first. Ch...
 Dispatcher - Assign & Dispatch Tickets
Assign & Dispatch Tickets Once tickets have been created and employees have been checked in, the employees need to be matched to a ticket and dispatched.  Not sure what Dispatcher is? Check out Dispatcher Overview first. Assigning and dispatc...
Dispatcher - Paying Tickets
What is Instant Pay? Instant pay in Dispatcher takes you through the payroll process in one direct screen. You will enter time, proof, calculate, and run payroll all from a single window making it fast and easy to pay employees.  Not sure what D...
Dispatcher - Close & Clear the Hall
Dispatcher Clean Up At the end of the dispatching day, you may want to utilize the following options to keep your dispatching space clean and accurate.  Closing & clearing the hall is the last step in the Dispatcher timeline: Closing Ticket...