GL Journal Entry


Enterprise - GL Journal Entry Export Manual
What is a GL Journal Entry Export? A GL Journal Entry Export is a standard export that will allow you to extract your financial data from Tempworks.  With a standard General Ledger, you will be able to map your pay codes, adjustment codes, taxes,...
Enterprise - Adding GL Bank Accounts
General Ledger Bank Accounts You can add and manage any bank accounts you have in administration in order to keep track of different accounts used for your general ledger.  Bank accounts appear when you run payroll, invoicing, or accounts receivab...
Enterprise - GL Journal Entry Export Setup Guide
Within TempWorks users will have the ability to setup journal entry exports by charting accounts, mapping bank accounts, running reports and more. This will guide you through a step by step process to setup a Journal Entry export. In order to expor...
Enterprise - GL Journal Entry Export Report
Purpose This report allows you to export key accounting information from TempWorks to be imported or hand keyed into your accounting software. TempWorks Enterprise is continually tracking each dollar that flows through it; a large reason financial ...
Enterprise - GL Map Type List
Map Type List Below is a list of different items/map types that we use to map your GL accounts to for your  review.  *Note* For Wages and Sales, you cannot use all 4 map types, you must choose one as the primary and then you can choose anot...
Enterprise - Importing GL Journal Entry Into Quickbooks
Users have the ability to import GL journal entry information into QuickBooks by utilizing Transaction Pro Importer. Follow the below steps to properly import your GL information.  This Article Covers:  Before Exporting to QuickBooks Expo...