New Articles

  1. Affordable Care Act Minimum Hours

    Affordable Care Act Minimum Hours Purpose : Use this report to quickly identify employees who meet your insurance criteria, especially if you are using the Monthly Measurement Option for ACA tracking.  The report looks to see if any...
  2. ACA Employee Cycles

    ACA Employee Cycles Purpose : If you are utilizing the Look Back method for ACA measurements, then you use this report to review important ACA related information including their ACA cycles and hours worked. This is a great way to identify ...
  3. ACA Minimum Hours Ins Census Mail Export

    ACA Minimum Hours Ins Census Mail Export Purpose : This report is similar to the ACA Benefit Lookback List Ins Census Mail Export  but instead of looking at average per week, this report looks for total number of hours for the date ra...
  4. Affordable Care Act Compliance Determination

    Affordable Care Act Compliance Determination Purpose : This report is a great way to check your compliance with ACA and see the total number of employees considered full time.  Total Part Time Employees FTE is calculated by taking the...
  5. ACA Consecutive Assignment Worked

    ACA Consecutive Assignment Worked Purpose : This report is a great way to audit your system to ensure all employees' ACA statuses are correct or if some part time employees may have reached full time status for the date range given.&nbs...
  6. ACA Employee Details

    ACA Employee Details Purpose : This report is a great option when you need to review, audit or list out important ACA information for a group of employees. The details listed on this report are found under the Pay Setup section of the emplo...
  7. ACA Exchange Notification List

    ACA Exchange Notification List Purpose : This report displays a list of employees in a format that can be exported to excel and used in a mass notification. Displays employees who have an active assignment within a given date range, had the...
  8. Affordable Care Act Financial Exposure

    Affordable Care Act Financial Exposure Purpose : Use this report to get an idea of how many employees are paying for insurance and how much they are paying compared to how much your company is spending on insurance.  The report looks ...
  9. WebCenter Admin - Configuring Order Candidate Review for Customer Contacts

    Configuring Order Candidate Review for Customer Contacts As an Administrator of WebCenter, you can allow access for your customer contacts to review potential job order candidates on their job orders.  Once they are set up to access the Order...
  10. Beyond - Using Text-Em-All in Beyond

    *Note*  You will need to have the "Can Text" permission and your Text-Em-All credentials set up in the system in order to use Text-Em-All features. Check out Beyond - Setting Up Text-Em-All for more information.  T...