New Articles

  1. ACA Enhanced Module

    What is the ACA Enhanced Module? There are several additional features available in the Enhanced ACA Module. The Enhanced ACA Module is designed to improve even further on the efficiencies of the ACA features in TempWorks by combining ACA data into...
  2. ACA Overrides for Super Users

    ACA Overrides The Affordable Care Act states that hire dates must be documented properly for each employee. While most of the time hire dates and statuses will be entered correctly, we understand that human error can occur. Because of this, we have...
  3. ACA Surcharge Overrides for Customers and Orders

    Creating Customer Specific ACA Surcharges Just like every customer is unique, every contract you negotiate and sign with them can be unique. To help accommodate this, you can override ACA surcharge settings that are set up at the FEIN/employer leve...
  4. Managing ACA Adjustments for Employees

    What are ACA Adjustments?  When we talk about ACA related Adjustments, we are talking about your benefit adjustments for employee and employer contributions. When an employee accepts or opts in to a benefit package, you will need to set up the...
  5. ACA Benefit Lookback List Ins Census Mail Export

    ACA Benefit Lookback List Ins Census Mail Export Purpose : Use this report to send important information about employees to you insurance/benefit provider and identify which employees may qualify for insurance benefits. This export option m...
  6. ACA Employee Adjustments

    ACA Employee Adjustments Purpose : This report allows you to see how much of the ACA insurance adjustments are being passed onto the employee and how much it is costing you as a company.  This report is designed to give you both a high...
  7. ACA Minimum Hours Insurance Census

    ACA Minimum Hours Insurance Census  Purpose : This report is similar to the ACA Benefit Lookback List Insurance Census report  This report displays a list of employees who have worked over a given amount of hours for a given da...
  8. ACA Missing Check

    ACA Missing Check Purpose : This report is meant to help you identify employees that have ACA related benefit adjustments active but are not receiving a check this week and therefore will not be contributing to their benefit costs. You may ...
  9. ACA Employee Details Communication Export

    ACA Employee Details Communication Export Purpose : This report displays all of the same information as the ACA Employee Details report with the same parameters. It does include some extra information including employee contact and addres...
  10. Affordable Care Act Benefit Lookback List

    Affordable Care Act Benefit Lookback List Purpose : Use this report to look back at average hours for employees by week to determine who may be eligible for insurance. This report can also be run to review employees that you may have missed...