New Articles

  1. Core - Creating Required Docs Options

    What are Required Docs? Required documents allow you to store, track, and manage documents that are required for employees. Required documents can be set up on customer and order records to require a specific document type before an employee can be...
  2. Core - Setting Up Worker Comp Codes

    What are Worker Comp Codes? Worker compensation codes are codes that insurance companies utilize to identify specific categories of work. These codes are important to setup on Customer and Order records to ensure the right worker comp codes are bei...
  3. Beyond - How to Add Employee Adjustments

    What is an Adjustment? Within Beyond we have the ability to set up reoccurring adjustments to an employee's pay. These are adjustments that would affect that individual's income, regardless of the customer that they are working for. Adjustm...
  4. Beyond - Custom Data

    Custom Data Beyond has the ability to allow your users to interact with custom data fields that are set up in your system. That means you can track information that isn't normally tracked by Beyond.   Custom data can be tracked for each...
  5. Core - How to Create Interview Questionnaires

    What is an Interview Questionnaire? The interview questionnaire allows users to design and organize interviews that are to be conducted by recruiters. Additionally, there is no limit to how many interview questionnaires you can have and what those ...
  6. Release Notes: 08/09/2018

    Enterprise New: Added assessment results to the employee merge process. To merge these, select the “Update Employee Details” option when merging an employee record. Added a new search...
  7. Core - Hot Lists

    What are Hot Lists? Hot lists allow you an opportunity to place employees or customers within given static lists in order to easily access and locate them, without having to run a search.  Some common ideas for hot lists: Group employees ...
  8. Core - Adding Multiplier Codes

    What are Multiplier Codes?  Depending on your contractual agreements with your clients you may want to use the multiplier code options within Enterprise. These will be extremely helpful if your billing agreements with your clients is based on ...
  9. Core - Departments Vs. Worksites

    Why You Should Create Departments and Worksites Why bother taking the time to create departments and worksites for a customer when you can create orders, assignments, and invoices through one primary record? There are lots of reasons, actually!&nbs...
  10. Core - Adding Job Titles

    What is a job title/skill code? Job titles and skill codes are synonymous in Enterprise Core. They both refer to a title or skill reference when creating an order or assignment.  In  Core, you can find the job title field on both the Ord...