

Enterprise - Commonly Asked Questions - Orders & Assignments
Q: What is the difference between an order and an assignment? A: An order is the request for candidates from the customer, i.e.: Please send 4 data entry operators. An assignment is the actual fulfillment of that order (4 employees have been pl...
Enterprise - How to Create and Manage Temporary Orders
What is a Temp Order? The Order record contains information regarding all job openings (requisitions, openings, requests) placed by customers'. Order records hold valuable information including shift times, start dates, financial details, worksite ...
 Enterprise - How to Create and Manage Direct Hire Orders
Direct Hire Orders from TempWorks Software on Vimeo . What are Direct Hire Orders? Direct Hire orders allow you to track customer requests for employees that they will directly hire on for their business. While these orders are si...
Enterprise - Default Order Statuses
Order Statuses On the order record several statuses indicate how the order is viewed in the system. While users may not use every default status to track their order, it is useful to understand what role each order status is intended to fill. Below...
 Enterprise - How to Copy an Order
Why Copy an Order? Customers will often times contact a staffing company for the same type of role on multiple occasions; when this occurs, it is usually more convenient to copy an order, allowing recruiters to work efficiently and get a jump on an...
 Enterprise - How to Create and Manage the Candidate Worksheet
Complimentary Webinar - Candidate Worksheet from TempWorks Training on Vimeo . For best viewing quality, expand the HD option, and select 1080p: What is a Candidate Worksheet? The Order record's candidate worksheet is used ...
Enterprise - How to Create and Utilize Rate Sheets
A rate sheet is a tool that can be used to set up permanent pay and/or bill rates for orders/assignments created for a specific employee, customer, job title, shift, branch, or vendor.  This Article Covers: When to Use Rate Sheets How to Cr...
 Enterprise - How to Mass Update Assignment Rates
In certain scenarios, it is beneficial to update all assignment rates simultaneously. This is especially helpful when new rates are negotiated, rates need to be corrected, or all employee s assigned to a specific role are given a raise. You can quic...
 Enterprise - How to Mass Update/End Assignments From the Order
In TempWorks Enterprise there many assignments can be created from any given order.   But, what happens when: All assignments need to be updated at once? All of the assignments need to be ended? The estimated end dates need to be updated? Some...
Enterprise - The Order Avatar & Icons
An order's avatar area displays important details of the record, including the customer name, department, job title, order id, and number of openings on the order.  Active Status If the order is currently active, the status icon will display...
Enterprise - Order Searching
Searching for Orders in Enterprise Trying to find what orders need to be filled? Need to see only specific types of orders? Enterprise gives you plenty of search options when looking for an order record. Whether you are looking for a particular ord...
Enterprise - Order Types and Pay Periods
When creating a new order it is important that we set up the order correctly to function with a desired pay schedule. Whether it be a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly pay schedule, knowing the proper set up is needed to guarantee t...
Enterprise - Using Contact Roles with Orders
 What is a Contact Role? Contact roles take company contacts and assign them a role such as 'Hiring Manager' or 'HR Coordinator' to make it easier to know who to contact for what kind of information. From the customer record, a contact role can ...
 Enterprise - Utilizing Master Orders
What is a Master Order? Master orders are ideal for customers who consistently request candidates for the same type of position. Inspired by a time in staffing where computers were not readily available, the master order allows your organization to...
Enterprise - How to Move an Order
Why Move an Order? During the process of creating an order a situation may arise where you need to move an order from one department to another, or even to another customer all together. This could be because the order was created in the wrong depa...