Order & Assignment Reports


Assignment Register Report
Assignment Register Report Purpose:  This report is designed to show you essential assignment information and allows you to filter your results by many different variables in order for you to get a very specific set of assignments. Below are e...
Assignment Calendar Report
Assignment Calendar Purpose:  Is a visual representation of when assignments start. Allows you to view either entire the month or just one week. Parameters: 1. Date: Either the month or the week you want to view depending on the select...
Filled Assignments Report
Filled Assignments Purpose:  This report shows you all assignments created for a specified date range. It is very similar to the Assignment Register. Parameters: 1. Start Date: Starting creation date of your desired date range. 2. End...
Order Register Report
Order Register Purpose:  This report allows you to find orders based on many different filtering options. It is a great report to use for auditing your outstanding orders or get a list of all closed orders for a specific client or branch. ...