Updated Articles

  1. CA Pay Transparency

    Overview There are two reports that can be used for upload to the state of California to align with state reporting requirements outlined in Section 12999 of the government code: CA Pay Transparency Report CA Pay Transparency Report Labor Co...
  2. Rapid! PayCard Instant Funding

    Overview TempWorks Enterprise™ and Beyond™ both integrate with Rapid! PayCard to activate/register paycard information and instant fund PayCards for your employees. *Note* Rapid! PayCard requires an existing relationship w...
  3. Enterprise - Flexible Payment Methods

    Overview With the Flexible Payment Method functionality, the payroll clerk can temporarily overwrite the employee's default payment method for each check in a given payroll run. *Note* This functionality is  not enabled by defa...
  4. Garnishment Setup Services

    Overview Save time and administrative burden by having our Lone Oak Payroll professionals manage garnishment entry and payments on your behalf. ...
  5. Enterprise - Importing GL Journal Entry Into Quickbooks

    Users have the ability to import GL journal entry information into QuickBooks by utilizing Transaction Pro Importer. Follow the below steps to properly import your GL information.  This Article Covers:  Before Exporting to QuickBoo...
  6. Kittrell Paycards

    Overview Kittrell Paycard provides a payroll debit card program  for temporary staffing agencies saving the company and the temporary employee time and money. *Note* The Kittrell Paycard integration is only available within Enterp...
  7. Employee - Mobile Time Punching in Buzz

    *Note*   If you are interested in utilizing the Buzz TM app as an employer, please contact your TempWorks Account Manager. Buzz & Mobile Time Punching Welcome to Buzz! Buzz  is an all-in-one free app that allows you to keep ...
  8. Supported Platforms & System Requirements

    This article contains information on the platforms that are officially supported by TempWorks Software® along with system requirements, broken down by product. *Note*  Supported platforms and system requirements for all TempWorks pr...
  9. Beyond - UI/UX Improvements Overview

    Overview On 4/19/2024, Beyond is getting a fresh coat of paint! The improved Beyond UI/UX comes with the following enhancements: Creating a modern look and feel. Ensuring Beyond is ADA compliant with the introduction of themes. Impro...
  10. Release Notes: 04/05/2024

    Welcome to April! This release brings proof payroll functionality to Beyond along with fixes and improvements across TempWorks products. *Note*  For all self-hosted clients, as always, ensure you install all updates to give your users t...