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  1. ACA Benefit Lookback List Insurance Census

    ACA Benefit Lookback List Insurance Census Purpose : This report option, similar to the ACA Benefit Lookback List Ins Census Mail Export, contains important information relevant to employees you may be offering insurance to. This report is ...
  2. Release Notes: 07/24/2020

    *Note*  For all self-hosted clients, as always, ensure you install all updates to give your users the best experience and new features. The Highlights Worksite & Assignment Accruals in Beyond Continuing with our A...
  3. ACA Admin: ACA Permissions & Security

    ACA & Security The Affordable Care Act requires companies to track hire dates and insurance status for their employees. To ensure only the right people at your company are able to add or edit ACA related information, we have specific permission...
  4. ACA Admin: Setting Up ACA Look Back Method

    What is the Look Back Method? The look back method for measuring employee eligibility for insurance and full time status is a bit more complex than the monthly measurement option. This option allows you to track employee hours from their hire date ...
  5. ACA Admin: Setting Up ACA Monthly Measurement Method

    What is the Monthly Measurement Method?  The first method for determining an employee’s full-time status – the more straightforward of the two ACA eligibility-testing methods – is the monthly measurement method. This method i...
  6. ACA Admin: Setting Up ACA Adjustments in Administration

    What is Considered an ACA Adjustment?  When we talk about ACA related Adjustments, we are talking about your benefit adjustments for employee and employer contributions. Before you can apply and adjustments to an employee's pay setup to be...
  7. Auditing Employee Records with ACA Searches

    ACA Searching Overview You can use searching to audit employee records and review ACA related information quickly. While we have a lot of ACA related report options , searches can be easier to use for items you need to take action on because you w...
  8. ACA Overview

    What is ACA? ACA refers to the Affordable Care Act that requires the tracking of employee's hire status and insurance offerings to ensure all employers are offering their qualifying employees insurance benefits. TempWorks helps you keep track o...
  9. Setting ACA Hire Dates for Employees

    ACA Hire Dates for Employees It's important to document and keep track of ACA Hire Dates for employees in order to make sure you are offering insurance and tracking breaks in service correctly. When you hire someone new, before you send them on...
  10. ACA Admin: Setting Up ACA Surcharges for Customers

    What is an ACA Surcharge? ACA Surcharges can help a staffing company afford insurance for their employees by passing on some of the costs their customers. This cost will be added to the customer's invoice and can be set as a flat rate or percen...