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  1. Enterprise - How to Add Authorities

    What are Authorities? Authorities state who the money for an employee garnishment(adjustment) is going to. For example, which county the child support money needs to be sent to or which entity the generic garnishment goes to, etc.  Authorities are...
  2. Release Notes: 11/05/15

    Enterprise (∞1511.05): Fixed some unhandled exception errors that would occur when running a search in HrCenter and then navigating back the dashboard using the left nav pane. We are getting rid of our AuthAdj adjustment and...
  3. Enterprise - Uploading a Lockbox Feed

    The Lockbox Feed allows users to upload payments into Enterprise that were sent directly to the staffing companies bank as remittance payment.  *Note*   Please work with a TempWorks representative to ensure the file that will be uploaded into t...
  4. Release Notes: 05/06/16

    W h a t ’ s New Version ∞2016.5.06: The British currency symbol “£” will now show instead of the United States “$” symbol in the invoice register for UK clients. Added the same Activity Tracker functionality that...
  5. Release Notes: 03/04/16

    Enterprise (∞2016.3.4): Increased character limit on EmpName in the table pospayrundatadetail to 120 characters. This is to allow employees with larger names to appear on the pos pay file completely instead of partially. ...
  6. Release Notes: 01/07/16

    Enterprise (∞1601.07): Previously, if you entered search criteria in the HrCenter search and opened up an employee from those search results, your search criteria would disappear and you would have to reenter what you had again. ...
  7. Beyond - How to Utilize Email Templates

    What are Email Templates? Email templates allow you to customize emails that are sent to large numbers of employees (including assigned) and customer contacts. Beyond allows you to create, configure, and manage employee and contact email template...
  8. Insight Worldwide Integration Overview

    What is the Insight Worldwide Integration? Insight Worldwide is an integration partner that specializes in finding staffing firms the best employees by utilizing valid, legal, integrity and behavioral pre-employment testing. TempWorks and Insigh...
  9. Vendors - Paying Subcontractors in Enterprise

    Overview of Subcontractor Payroll in Enterprise Subcontractor Vendors are 3rd party staffing agencies or other providers that are sending their employees to fill some of your orders. Because these employee's do not belong to your staffing agency, t...
  10. Enterprise - Departments

    Why Create Departments? Departments help create divisions in larger customers that you work for which allows you to pull separate reporting, billing, and more! This option also allows you to document a company structure/hierarchy. Departments may n...