Sales & Invoicing Reports


AR Statement Summary Report
AR Statement Summary Purpose:  This report is useful to send to your clients to inform them of outstanding invoices left in the system. This report works much like the aging report in respect to showing you the current open invoices as of the ...
Commission by Rep Report
Commission by Rep Purpose: This report allows you to calculate commission for your service reps/recruiters. It is designed to allow you to dynamically choose what goes into making up your payroll costs and determines if you want the commission ...
Commission By Sales Team Report
Commission By Sales Team Purpose:  This report allows you to calculate commission for your sales teams. It is designed to allow you to dynamically choose what costs go into making up your payroll costs and also to determine if you want the com...
Direct Hire Billing Fees Report
Direct Hire Billing Fees Purpose:  This report is designed to show you the direct hire fees that have been setup on assignments and whether the amounts have been billed or are still waiting to be processed. This is especially helpful when you ...
Invoice Adjustment Register Report
Invoice Adjustment Register Purpose:  This report displays a list of invoices within a given date range that possess an invoice adjustment. It yields the billing amount, the adjustment amount, as well as the invoice amount. Parameters: ...
Invoice Aging Report
Purpose This report is helpful to determine clients who are not paying their invoices in a timely manner. By default,  It splits out the overdue invoices into 30 day, 60 day, 90 day and 90 day+ categories.  The 0-30 is any invoice that is 0-30 da...
Invoice Aging Summary Report
Invoice Aging Summary Purpose: This report is a summary of the Invoice Aging report.  Utilize this report to view at a glance what customers by branch are paying their invoices and which ones are not. Parameters: 1. Branch: A drop -down li...
Invoice Delivery Report
Invoice Delivery Purpose: This report is to audit our delivery system. The delivery system allows you to post invoices without timecards attached and close your week. You may go back later and link timecards to send them out via e-mail or stand...
Invoice Delivery Method Report
Invoice Delivery Method Purpose: This report allows you to see how each specific invoice is setup to be delivered (printed or e-mailed). If it should be e-mailed, it shows one of the e-mail addresses that are setup to receive the invoice. To se...
Invoice Email Log Report
Invoice Email Log Purpose:  This report allows you to see all of the invoices that have been or should be sent via e-mail. It will show one line item per invoice and per e-mail address the invoice is sent to. Therefore, you will see invoices l...
Invoice Payments Report
Invoice Payments Purpose: This report is designed for you to view all of the payments applied to your invoices within the system. This is a great report to run to make sure you have posted all of your payments vs. the amount deposited into your...
Invoice Register Report
Purpose This report is designed for you to view a list of all invoices in your system. The balance amount will update as you post your payments in TempWorks. This is a great report to see the total of sales for a specific client for a given period....
PO Number Summary Report
PO Number Summary Purpose:  Utilize this report to track purchase order details such as the amount, creation date, client it belongs to and more. This report along with the PO Number Transaction Detail give detailed insight to the status of PO'...
PO Number Transaction Detail Report
PO Number Transaction Detail Purpose: This report shows you all of the transactions processed that were linked to a PO. It is a great report to compare the transactions processed under a specific PO vs. the PO value. A message will show up when...
Quarterly Sales Report
Quarterly Sales Purpose: This report breaks down total sales by quarter for a customer, branch, sales team etc., which can be specified by the 'group by' parameter. We first show the sales in a graph format and display the additional details in...
Sales Analysis Four Week Report
Sales Analysis Four Week Purpose: This report is useful to view the trends in your sales on a client by client level. The sales column is your total bill, the margin column is your gross profit / total bill,  while the hours column is the total...
Sales Analysis Four Week Comparison Report
Sales Analysis Four Week Comparison Purpose: This report is helpful to compare a four week period in sales from the current year and the year prior.  In comparing totals, you may uncover customers that you have lost business from or see trends ...
Sales Analysis Yearly Report
Sales Analysis Yearly Purpose: A report that directly compares two years of sales while displaying a weekly break out of hours as well as sales. The total difference between each year as well as percentage is visible to help gauge growth of you...
Sales Summary Report
Sales Summary Purpose: This report is useful to view overall sales, customer sales, and even branch sales. Within the graph, each point is interactive and link to the Invoice Register report for that given week so that you can see the specific ...
Short Pay Invoices Report
Short Pay Invoices Purpose: This report is designed for you to view all of your invoices that have a payment that has been applied to them but still have not been paid off in full.  Parameters: 1. Branch: A drop- down list of all branches ...
Top 25 Customers Report
Top 25 Customers Purpose: This report shows you your top 25 customers based on their total GP and total sales for a given time period.  Parameters: 1. Branch: A drop- down list of all branches in the user’s current hierarchy. Is a multi-va...
Yearly Sales Report
Yearly Sales Purpose: This report shows you a 12 month breakout of your sales and can be helpful to recognize trends within your business.  This report shows a grand total of sales each month of each year which can be visible at the end of the ...