Translations (Localizations)

This category contains articles on how to setup and utilize Spanish language options in HRCenter applications.


Application Translations (for Spanish)
Translating Your HRCenter Application We currently offer HRCenter Applications to be able to dynamically switch between English and Spanish. All of our built-in Information pages and registration text have already been translated but surveys, forms...
Adding Translated Surveys
Translations, or Localizations, are used to offer a workflow, step, or page (information, form, or survey) in multiple languages. When offering an item in multiple languages, users will need to... Be ready to provide the translation.  Create a un...
Creating Translated Forms
Translations, or Localizations, are used to offer a workflow, step, or page (information, form, or survey) in multiple languages. When offering an item in multiple languages, users will need to... Be ready to provide the translation.  Create a un...
Optimizing Your Application for Spanish Language Users
It's not only pages that can have translations! There are sections of custom text that you should consider updating with Spanish translations when you're ready to turn on Spanish Language option in HRCenter.  This Article Covers Creating Langu...