Updated Articles

  1.  Beyond - How to End an Assignment

    Why End Assignments? There are lots of reasons to make sure that you end an assignment once the employee is done working there. Here are a few reasons to consider: Keeping Accurate Records If you don't end your a...
  2. Beyond - Assignment Details Overview

    What is an Assignment Record? An assignment record is the fulfillment of a job order for a customer. When a customer places an order for employees, it is the recruiters responsibility to create an assignment record for every employee intended to ...
  3.  Beyond - How to Create an Assignment Record

    What is an Assignment? An assignment record is the fulfillment of a job order for a customer. When a customer places an order for employees, it is the recruiters responsibility to create an assignment record for every employee intended to be ...
  4. Beyond - Assignment Frequently Asked Questions

    This article will review some of the most common questions about assignment records in Beyond.  What is Beyond? TempWorks Beyond™ is a comprehensive mobile applicant tracking system (ATS) and customer relationship management (CRM) &nb...
  5. Beyond - How to Create and Utilize Rate Sheets

    A rate sheet is a tool that can be used to set up permanent pay and/or bill rates for orders/assignments created for a specific employee, customer, job title, shift, worksite, or branch.  This Article Covers: When to Use Rate Sheets ...
  6. Beyond - Utilizing Master Orders

    What is a Master Order? Master orders are ideal for customers who consistently request candidates for the same type of position. The master order allows your organization to quickly create records and focus on presenting candidates; they can be mad...
  7. Beyond - How to Copy an Order

    Overview The ability to copy Job Orders within Beyond has been added to help with reducing the amount of time needed to create Job Orders based on similar information or from a Master Order . This functionality allows recruiters to work more eff...
  8.  Beyond - How to Track Candidates on an Order

    What is the Candidates Tab? The Job Order's candidate tab is used to track employees who are being considered for a position. It is a way to associate an employee with an order without making an assignment. Within this area, you can track...
  9.  Beyond - How to Create an Order

    What is an Order Record? In Beyond, an order is the need of the customer. When the customer communicates to your staffing agency that they are looking for employees, an order should be created to document that request. Once an order is create...
  10. Beyond - Order Frequently Asked Questions

    This article will review some of the most common questions about order records in Beyond.  What is Beyond? TempWorks Beyond™ is a comprehensive mobile applicant tracking system (ATS) and customer relationship management (CRM)  br...