Popular Articles

  1. Enterprise - How to Reprint a Paycheck or Payroll Run

    Users have the option to Reprint Payroll Runs through the system. Utilize this function if your company uses preprinted check stock with numbers and you have printed the wrong checks on the wrong check stock, your printer runs out of paper and the P...
  2.  The Payroll Wizard

    Before you begin, have your workbook ready! This training covers: Creating payroll runs, filtering/grouping options in a payroll run, abandoning runs, understanding and correcting payroll errors, and emailing pay stubs. The Payroll Wizard...
  3. Enterprise - System Requirements

    Below are the minimum hardware and software requirements to run Enterprise Infinity via the Windows Desktop Application. *Note* If you are utilizing apps.ontempworks.com to log in, check out   Apps.OnTempWorks.com Requirements and Trouble...
  4.  Enterprise - Security Roles

    What are Security Roles? Security Roles, or "Sec Roles", are used to determine what functionality a user has access to in TempWorks Enterprise; this includes which reports can be accessed and which fields can viewed/modified/saved.  There is no li...
  5. Affordable Care Act Surcharges

    When it comes to Affordable Care Act fines and penalties, guesswork can be risky business! Our ACA tool will take the guesswork out of the equation, keeping you in compliance no matter what happens in Washington. It’s flexible enough to adapt t...
  6.  Enterprise - How to Manage Billing Setup on a Customer

    Managing Customer Billing Setup from TempWorks Software on Vimeo . For best viewing quality, expand the HD option, and select 1080p: How often is a customer invoiced? What do the invoices look like? Who are invoices sent to? Is thi...
  7.  Enterprise - Tips and Tricks to Save Clicks

    Complimentary Webinar - Tips and Tricks to Save Clicks! from TempWorks Training on Vimeo . For best viewing quality, expand the HD option, and select 1080p: Enterprise Infinity Tips and Tricks To Save Clicks As creature...
  8. Enterprise - How to Utilize ADP Wisely

    What is ADP Wisely? ADP has created a new paycard program called Wisely. Wisely pay allows employees to streamline their finances, load checks, and even use the ADP Wisely app to pay bills online. To learn more about Wisely, check out ADP's Websit...
  9. Enterprise Commonly Asked Questions - Payroll

    To help answer your questions, we've put together a list of commonly asked questions and their answers here. Use this guide to learn more about payroll related functionality.  Top 15 Commonly Asked Questions: How do I correctly note that an ...
  10. Enterprise - How to Manage Required Documents

    Should You Use Required Docs? Do you require that all employees complete a drug test and/or background check before beginning an assignment? Or, do you need to verify that an employee has a certain certification before being placed with a customer?...