Before you begin, have your workbook ready! This training covers: Duplicating timecards, entering "late" time, and bonus transactions. Time Entry Part 2: The Details from TempWorks Software on Vimeo . Loading Pay/Bill 101: Time Entr...
What are Multiplier Codes? Depending on your contractual agreements with your clients you may want to use the multiplier code options within Enterprise™. These will be extremely helpful if your billing agreements with clients are based on a multip...
Quick Steps: How to Document a Pay Raise: Navigate to assignment record for the employee receiving the pay raise Go to the actions menu and select 'extend assignment' Select start date for pay raise and click save You will be taken to the ...
What are Customer Defaults? Customer Defaults allow you to select key information for this customer to default onto all future order records you create. Defaulted information can help limit choices and speed up the time it takes to fill out a new o...
What is an Assignment?
An assignment record is the fulfillment of a job order for a customer. When a customer places an order for employees, it is the recruiters responsibility to create an assignment record for every employee intended to be ...
Before you begin, have your workbook ready! This training covers: Voiding checks, voiding and reversing checks, reissuing checks. Payroll Corrections from TempWorks Software on Vimeo . Loading Pay/Bill 101: Payroll Corrections ...
What is Proofing? After a user has entered time into time entry in TempWorks Enterprise, the next step is to proof the timecards. This allows both the user and the system to double check that everything is ready to be paid and billed. This documen...
How does HRCenter™ Form Builder Work? The HRCenter form builder allows users to design electronic worksheets that can be filled out online by applicants. These completed documents will send information back to Enterprise™ and Beyond™ and are auto...
What are Security Groups? Security groups allow you to set security permissions for each user within Beyond. *Note* Security settings in Enterprise (Sec Roles) are separate from security in Beyond (Security Groups). When editing, adding u...
Contacts vs. Contact roles There is a big difference between adding a contact to a customer and adding a contact role . Adding a contact to a customer allows for tracking of sales efforts, documenting conversations, tracking preferences, etc....