Popular Articles

  1. Core - Custom Data

    What is Custom Data? The custom data page is used for adding information on the employee, customer, order, assignment, or contact records, which does not currently have an existing field in Core; this includes anything from equipment rental documen...
  2. Release Notes: 12/20/2019

    Welcome to our release notes! This article will review the main items being released this week.  As a general reminder, we have a list of supported browsers for our web-based products that you can review here: Supported Platforms & System Requirem...
  3. Core - Order Searching

    What is an Order? An order is the request for employees from a customer. An order record contains information regarding all job openings (requisitions, openings, requests) placed by customers'. This includes information such as shift times, start d...
  4. Release Notes: 04/04/2019

    Enterprise New: A new default message action type of “Message” was added to the MessageActionTypeRoot table and linked to any existing message actions that had a null MessageActionTypeID. The Messag...
  5. Release Notes: 09/07/2018

    Enterprise Fixes: Previously, when linking a contact to a message for a Customer/Order, it would show all contacts instead of just the active ones. Now this drop down will only display active Contacts for ...
  6. ACA Admin: Setting Up ACA Surcharges for Customers

    What is an ACA Surcharge? ACA Surcharges can help a staffing company afford insurance for their employees by passing on some of the costs their customers. This cost will be added to the customer's invoice and can be set as a flat rate or percentage...
  7. Beyond - Creating Security Groups with Advanced Permissions

    Overview Beyond allows for the creation of highly customized Security Groups which include precise restrictions for Service Reps within your system. This article will outline the process to create a new Security Group using Advanced Permission...
  8. Core- Creating Authorities

    Why Do We Create Authorities? When entering a garnishment, you may find that the authority listed on the order is not available. If this is the case, the authority needs to be added that to the list in that system:  Authority on a child support ...
  9. Release Notes: 05/10/2019

    Enterprise Improvements: A warning message will now be displayed when selecting to convert an e-pay check to be a live check, asking whether you would like to proceed or not. A Fax Number is no longe...
  10. ACA Admin: Setting Up ACA Monthly Measurement Method

    What is the Monthly Measurement Method?  The first method for determining an employee’s full-time status – the more straightforward of the two ACA eligibility-testing methods – is the monthly measurement method. This method isolates the tallying of...